Milestone 4

Milestone 4.1: Optimization

The team has optimized the user interface (UI) to ensure that it is as user-friendly as possible. Initially, the OpenBCI UI presented a number of challenges, including being cumbersome and overwhelming, which made it difficult to use for our purposes. One of the primary issues was that there was simply too much data displayed, which made it challenging to effectively analyze and assess patient stress levels. To overcome these challenges, the team redesigned the UI in the module. The updated interface is more streamlined and intuitive, with a focus on presenting only the most relevant information in a clear and concise manner. This has allowed for more effective analysis and assessment of patient stress levels, and has helped to streamline the overall process of using Psyche. As a result of these improvements, anyone using Psyche can now more effectively and efficiently analyze and assess patient stress levels. This has made the software far more accessible and user-friendly, and has helped to ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care possible. 

Milestone 4.2: Delivery

One method that we used to improve the operation of the Psyche was to test it first-hand with our group members. Since the Psyche returns a scale of stress, we tested the scale based on a variety of activities and changed our stress thresholds based on those activities. 

Fig. 1. The Psyche User Interface Running In The OpenBCI GUI Application

Stress Level 1

Fig. 2. The Psyche User Interface Running In The OpenBCI GUI Application

Stress Level 3

Fig. 3. The Psyche User Interface Running In The OpenBCI GUI Application

Stress Level Over 5

Milestone 4.3: Management

The group members all contributed to both their assigned roles and beyond. All members jointly managed the project, and contributions were done on time in accordance
with their role and function.

Group Member Roles: