Ludmila Zakharova 

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Management Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, member of the Russian Psychological Society (RPO) and the European Association of Work Psychology and Organizational Psychology of Society (EAWOP), author of more than two hundred and fifty scientific papers. Researcher of value conflicts, value foundations of organizational culture, psychological vitality of personnel, subjective well-being and socio-psychological age of personnel

Topic of presentation: Psychology of innovative personnel management in the context of traditional social values

Some recent publications:

Захарова Л.Н., Саралиева З.Х., Сайгина Е.В. Управление развитием социального

капитала организаций оборонно-промышленного комплекса как социологическая проблема  // LogosetPraxis. 2023. – Т. 22, № 1. С. 80–92. DOI:

Zakharova L., Saralieva Z., Leonova I.Subjective well-being at the workplace as a social action: opportunities for management and self-management //Happiness - Biopsychosocial and Anthropological Perspectives  / Dr. Floriana Irelli,Fabio Gabrielli  (Eds). IntechOpen, 2023. Р.299-328. URL: DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106595

Захарова Л.Н. Психология управления: учебник для вузов. 3е изд., перераб. и доп., СПБ: Лань, 2023. 396 с.e-lanbook.comURL: