
On November 23-24, 2023, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “PSYCHOLOGY OF INNOVATIVE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TRADITIONAL SOCIAL VALUES” was held at the Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

The purpose of the conference is to expand scientific interaction between Russian and foreign researchers on the problems of management psychology, organizational psychology, personnel management and social design, understanding new challenges and prospects for the further development of management psychology in the context of increasing the social significance of national identity, changes in the technological structure, post-Covid reality, strengthening connections between science and management practice.

The conference was attended by representatives of 13 countries, scientists and specialists from 34 cities of the Russian Federation. The main organizer of the conference was the Department of Management Psychology of the FSN UNN with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Nizhny Novgorod Branch of the Russian Psychological Society, the Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nizhny Novgorod region.

The conference was opened by Professor O.V. Trofimov - acting Rector of UNN. Welcoming speeches at the conference were made by Patanayak Biswahiit - President of the University of the Asian School of Business Management (India), Isidori Emanuele - Vice-Rector for International Affairs, University of Rome Foro Italico (Italy). The department has developed strong scientific ties with these universities, manifested in joint conferences, research and publications.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by the head of the Department of Management Psychology of the FSN, Professor L.N. Zakharova, who made a report “Traditional values ​​and personnel management: analysis of barriers and opportunities.”

Then, in an online format, reports from conference guests were heard, reflecting the sources and foundations of traditional values ​​in Russia, the value basis of the order approach, the problems of training e-sportsmen, the determinants of managerial interaction, the content of the psychological contract, trends in personnel management in the digital era, the reasons for mobbing, functions of informal groups, psychological aspects of managing innovation activities in conditions of risk of biogenic, technogenic and sociogenic threats, psychological factors of success of the innovation process, relevance of issues of professional viability and maintaining mental health in the modern business environment.

Detailed information about the speakers is presented in the Conference Program (link)

The conference on November 24 was held in online and offline formats. The sections were: “History of labor psychology and management: lessons for the future”, “Traditional values ​​of Russia as a socio-psychological basis for effective personnel management.

Gender and age aspects of personnel management”, “Personnel management in the digital economy: new trends and innovative technologies”, “Psychological vitality of personnel”, “Organizational culture and innovativeness of labor subjects in the 21st century”, “Subjective well-being of personnel and the effectiveness of work teams in the organization” , “Psychology of personnel management: development prospects and challenges of the time”, “Scientific debut: reports of students and young scientists.” The research presented in the sections is united by the formulation of current applied problems of forming the value foundations of innovative personnel management in the conditions of the new social reality.

The scientific and practical significance of scientists’ research is due to the growing demand of Russian society to find new sustainable mechanisms for effective management and personnel training for various spheres of society. The interactive format of the conference aroused great interest among listeners and participants of the conference, which allowed Russian and foreign students, undergraduates, graduate students of the Russian Federation and abroad, and specialists from various fields of scientific knowledge and practice to join its work.

Conference participants note its high scientific level and creative atmosphere, which contributed to an interested atmosphere, respectful and open exchange of views between conference participants.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of works will be compiled, consisting of articles based on the scientific reports of the participants. An electronic version of the collection of materials (works, theses) will be made freely available on the event’s Internet resource.