Emanuele Isidori 

Full Professor in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences; Vice-Rector for International Relations and cooperation; qualified Profesor Catedrático de Universidad (Spain) by ANECA in the scientific domain of Social and Juridical Sciences; Head of the Laboratory of General Pedagogy of the University of Rome Foro Italico. President of CAR (University Committee for Research), Member of the Committee for Ethics, Education, Anti-Doping Training and Research (CEFAR) of NADO (WADA) Italy, Director of the Permanent Observatory on Ethics and Sports Law of University of Rome Foro Italico. Researcher of Methodology of educational research, social pedagogy of sport; sports diplomacy; communication studies; e-learning; adult education and life-long Learning; HR management in sports organizations; CLIL methodologies; epistemology of sports sciences; body and education 

Topic of presentation: The training of the e-sports athlete - between the science of human resources management and pedagogy 

Some recent publications:

Isidori E. (2020). Sports Pedagogy at the Time of COVID-19. CULTURA, CIENCIA Y DEPORTE, vol. 15, p. 145-146, ISSN: 1696-5043, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12800/ccd.v15i44.1480

Isidori E.,De Martino M, Alonzi R.Pedagogy of work in Postmodern Society: Between Job Insecurity and Digital Revolution. RUDN Journal of Philosophy, 27(1), 94—107. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2023-27-1-94-107

Isidori E., Sánchez Pato A.,Arias Estero J. L., Bada J. (a cura di) (2018). Modelo de carrera dual universitario. El caso de los deportistas-estudiantes . p. 1-153, Cizur Menor:Thomson- Reuters-Aranzadi, ISBN: 978-84-9099-182-4