Edessa Tollera Bekere 

Doctor of Psychology of Education, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department Post graduate Coordinator , College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mizan Tepi University,  and  author of more than four scientific papers. Yet, two of them are in the process. Researcher of Counseling Needs and The Benefits of Counseling for Students in Schools Assessment of Counselling Needs of Adolescent Students in South West Ethiopia: A Case In Sheka and Bench Maji Zones., Counseling provision practices, Psychosocial impacts of divorce on Adolescent students who experienced Parental Divorce 

Topic of presentation: Counselling Needs and the Benefits of Counselling for Students in School

Some recent publications:

Bekere ET (D.Ed) & Tlale LDN (D.Ed) & Department of Psychology of Education College of Education, University of South Africa Pretoria Gender & Behaviour, 17(2), 2019, 12809-12817 Copyright (c) 2019 © Ife Centre for Psychological Studies/Services, Nigeria ISSN: 1596-9231