Andrey Sidorenkov

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Management Psychology and Legal Psychology of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Southern Federal University. The author of the socio-psychological theory of small groups - microgroup theory, a well-known researcher of organizational identity and organizational citizenship behavior. Created and modified more than 20 test questionnaires in the field of small groups. Developed computer diagnostic technologies “Group Profile – Universal” and “Multidimensional Professional-Psychological Personality Test”

Topic of presentation: The role of the functions of informal subgroups in relation to production groups in group effectiveness

Some recent publications:

Сидоренков А.В. Идентичность, идентификация и гражданское поведение работников в организации: монография. Ростов-на-Дону: Мини Тайп, 2021. URL:

Сидоренков А.В. Связь вклада сотрудников в групповую активность со сплоченностью и эффективностью малых групп в организации // Вопросы психологии. 2022. Т.68. № 5. С. 75–84.

SidoirenkovA.V., Borokhovski E.F., StrohW.A., Naumtseva E.A. Multiple identifications of employees in an organization: salience and relationships of foci and dimensions // Behavioral Sciences.2022. 12. 182.

SidoirenkovA.V., Borokhovski E.F. Identifications and communicativeness as antecedents of citizenship behavior of employees of the penitentiary services // Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2023. 38. 503-518.

SidoirenkovA.V., Borokhovski E.F., Vorontsov D.V.Associations of employees’ identification and citizenship behavior in organization: A systematic review and a meta-analysis // Management Review Quarterly. 2023. 73(2). 695-729.

SidoirenkovA.V., Borokhovski E.F.The Role of cohesion and productivity norms in performance and social effectiveness of work groups and informal subgroups // Behavioral Sciences.2023, 13(5), 361.

SidoirenkovA.V., Borokhovski E.F. Activity and interconnections of individual and collective actors: An integrative approach to small group research // Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2023.