Alessandra Fazio 

specializes in Terminology at the “Ecole de Traduction et d’Interpretation” at the University of Geneva. She is associate professor in English Language and Translation at the University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Her research interests lie in terminology and in the creation of terminological tools (databases, on-line dictionaries, etc.), applied linguistics and cognitive linguistics. She is mainly involved in the analysis of the specific language of sport and sports sciences. Recently she has addressed the problem of sports related arbitration discourse analysis and legal English 

She has participated in several national and international projects. She has collaborated with the Institute for Studies on Scientific Research and Documentation (ISRDS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and has taken part in the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Terminology (Ass.I.Term.), in the Advisory Committee of the European Association for Terminology AET-EAFT and the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO). She elective member  of the Associazione Italiana dei Centri Linguisitci Universitari (AICLU) Executive as Secretary and member of  the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CERCLES).

She is now the Director of the University Language Centre and elective member of the University Senate.

Topic of presentation: English language teaching for athletes' innovative skills development

Some recent publications:

Fazio A., Isidori E., Chiva Bartoll O., (2017). Task-Based Approach in English for Specific Purposes (Esp) Teaching: a Case Study in the Field of  Sports Sciences, in ELSE, Could technology support learning efficiency?, Volume 3, “CAROL I” National Defence University Publishing House Advanced Distributed Learning Association, Bucharest ISSN 2066-026X ISSN-L 2066-026X ISSN CD 2343 – 7669, ISBN: 9788826446561, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-17-194 | Pages: 139-145

Handbook An Innovative European Sports Tutorship Model Of The Dual Career Of Student-Athletes (2017) - This handbook was produced from the results of the project: ‘Developing an innovative European Sports Tutorship model for the Dual Career of athletes’ (ESTPORT). Thewhole ESTPORT consortiumcontributeddirectly 

Sánchez-Pato A., Calderón A., Arias-Estero JL, García-Roca JA, Bada J., Meroño L., Isidori E., Brunton J., Decelis A, Koustelios A., Mallia O., Fazio A., Radcliffe J., Sedgwick M. (2016). "Diseño y validación del cuestionario de percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual (ESTPORT)* Design and validationof a questionnaireabouttheperceptionsof dual careerstudent-athletes (ESTPORT)*", in CCD Cultura_Ciencia_Deporte,  Vol. 11, N°32, doi 10.12800/ccd