PSLLT2024 Conference

Technology Innovations for Researching and Teaching

Pronunciation, Listening, and Speaking


15th Annual

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

September 12-14, 2024

John Levis & Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer, Organizers


The rise of AI and ChatGPT has again emphasized the central importance of technology in the teaching, research, and assessment of spoken language (pronunciation, listening, and speaking). These new uses of technology join Automatic Speech Recognition, acoustic analysis, High Variability Phonetic Training, corpus-based approaches, and online approaches to teaching spoken language in expanding the importance of spoken language in language teaching and applied linguistics. The 15th annual PSLLT conference invites abstracts on any current topic focused on pronunciation and spoken language research and teaching, with a special emphasis on the use of technology. Abstracts for any language or L2 pronunciation and spoken language context are welcome.  Abstracts that match the theme of the conference will be given preference, but any valuable study or teaching tip on L2 pronunciation for any second language will be fully considered. Abstracts can be up to 300 words, including no more than five references. 

Abstract submission is now closed. Notifications of acceptance will be communicated by May 15, 2024.


Certain types of presentations are always part of PSLLT. Presentations are 20-minute oral presentations with 5 minutes for questions. Poster presentations take place during a dedicated 90-minute slot. Teaching Tips are evidence-based pedagogical ideas done in a roundtable format in which presenters stay at a table, and audiences switch every 10 minutes or so, giving the presenters a chance to present to multiple groups of participants.

Submitting your abstract

The link below will redirect you to our abstract submission form. You will be asked to provide information regarding all authors, the corresponding author, the title and type of presentation, and a complete abstract within the word limit provided. Once completed, all conference-related communications will be done with the corresponding author only. For any questions or inquiries, please use the email found below.

Abstract submission link:

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