Philosophy of Ed. Leadership

Philosophy of Educational Leadership

As with most people, one of the reasons I entered into the education field was the desire to affect the lives of others. My responsibility in their lives was to make sure that my students were getting the best education possible so that they could succeed in whatever they choose. When I think about my life and where it has taken me and where I would like to go, I recall the journey that has enabled me to choose the current direction in which I am headed. Over the course of my career in education, the goals and the philosophy of leadership that I have set for myself have changed and is ever growing. My beliefs and philosophy of leadership have embraced everything that I am today, and what I strive to become tomorrow. One of the most important aspects of being an administrator in my mind, is being a leader that clearly communicates the ideas and ideals that I strive to live up to, and inspire those aspects into others each day. Understanding first who I am, then what I aspire to be, encompasses my philosophy of leadership.

I am a leader who believes in purpose, service, values, trust, and learning. Having morals, values, and principles are all important aspects that are important attributes to successful leadership. Leadership is serving others, and working with others to achieve a meaningful and positive purpose. As a leader, I believe in serving others while following core values and entangling the values of others within my standards and beliefs so that teamwork is always the desired end goal. Being able to listen and adapt to change, builds trust and honest relationships that can enable leadership to grow in a team atmosphere. The world is an ever changing place and people are always adapting. I believe in embracing our differences and having an open-mind so that all situations are prioritized, delegated, and individuals are heard and feel ownership in the process.

My leadership philosophy is based on the principles and morals that I have grown up with all of my life, what I have learned throughout my years as an educator, and what I have learned through the study of both strong and weak leaders. It is about influencing change and creating an environment that brings out the best in people, accomplishing goals, and making each individual successful, positive, and confident. It is my belief that treating the person first then the situation is another quality and core value of great leadership. It is about being open and honest and trusting that others can openly come to you in the same way. Just as Steven Covey has conveyed, “Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly, that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” A true leader has an end in mind and is ever growing. To be able to inspire leadership qualities in others is the true definition of a leader. It is my belief that great leaders inspire others to recognize that greatness already exists in all of us, and create an environment where individuals grow and emerge. The ability to become a leader is a choice that any person can make. Just because you have a leadership title, does not make you a leader. It is the people who you surround yourself with that in fact grow with you and become leaders themselves that make you a leader. That is the difference between good leadership and great leadership.

I feel that my twelve years of teaching, educational experience , and interning with an incredible administrator have all prepared me to embrace my core values and come up with my own philosophies that I live by every day. Effective leadership starts with the belief that people in all positions have different talents and leadership qualities, and possess responsibilities that are necessary for roles in developing a common vision. Overall, my philosophy of leadership and end goal is simple. Great leaders teach others how to become great leaders themselves. It is the influence we have with others to help them discover their own voice, find their own purpose, contribute, and show their own unique qualities. To me, that truly defines my philosophy of leadership.