Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

My personal values have always acted as a basis for distinguishing between right and wrong and have always determined my daily actions and emotions. I believe that every person should follow their own code that is based on their up-bringing, life experiences, and personal beliefs. This code of ethics is crucial while working in a leadership role in many establishments. As an educational administrator, professional behavior must conform to an ethical code. This code must be practical and committed in order to be applied rationally to all people surrounding and working in the same environment. As an administrator, committing to the highest standard of ethical and professional conduct, and following a code of ethics, is critical in establishing a well-run and professional environment. I have set a high commitment to my personal image of what can be and my belief that it will be, and a commitment to setting goals and working towards achieving them. I believe in Professionalism, personal integrity, laws, policies, and communication. Fulfilling my professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity while maintaining my core values is what surrounds my code of ethics.

I will support the principles of a system and following a due process in order to protect that the rights of all individuals is of the highest importance. A strong educational administrator follows local, state, and national laws and does not do anything that is illegal or puts themselves, their staff, or students in harm’s way. As an informed professional, I will always encourage and educate others within my work environment of relevant policies and laws so that we are all on the same page. Making others aware of my ethical beliefs such as following school, local, and state protocols is important in maintaining a proper, safe, and positive work environment.

As a strong educational administrator I will maintain the school standards and values as well as my own while seeking to improve the effectiveness of my career through research and continued professional development. Competence is necessary to achieve excellence. I am a strong leader in education who is always willing to learn and “sharpen the saw” (Covey, 2004). It is important to continuously improve and not only do I want to continue learning, but I want to be able to grow along with my colleagues and build an environment rich in education. I feel that strong leadership comes with a strong belief in values and setting high standards of success, and working together to achieve this. I do not want to stop at being good, I believe in being great.

I will do my best to make decisions, involving a team of individuals and staying consistent with the safety and well-being of my school and community. I believe in being transparent in my purpose and I promise to always act in a manner that is fair and just towards anyone I am involved with. I will always seek first to understand, then to be understood, giving others the opportunity to share while I listen intently. I will always strive to build and maintain a safe, healthy, and productive work environment while first assessing the person or situation, then coming up with management needs in order to reach a positive and productive outcome. By always reassessing and reevaluating situations, goals can be achieved and monitored. My personal code of ethics will guide my decisions and help me to become a better leader. My code of conduct is based on values that have been ingrained in me by my upbringing and educational background and as I continue to grow personally and professionally and as I am dealt with new ethical issues, I will be forever adjusting myself in order to reach a positive and productive end goal.

Ultimately I will make sure the well-being of the students is the fundamental value in all my core ethical decision making and actions. Making sure that decisions are made with the students being the first priority is my overall goal. We are here to educate and guide our children to become leaders of their own. I believe that every student has a purpose and that they just need guidance in order to find their place and passion in life. Decisions are made that are in the best interest of our youth.

I believe that all responsibility for success and failure rests with the leader. According to the memoir of 2 great Navy Seals, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, great leaders look in the mirror. I truly believe that being an ethical leader and making sure you are always looking at yourself at the end of the day and deciding where your true core values and beliefs lie is essential to decision making in the leadership role. I believe in leading by example, and take ownership for their actions. Great leaders maintain a high ethical standard and degree of professionalism in the performance of all of their duties. I believe in supporting my colleagues and co-workers in following this code of ethics, and seeing all that I stand for. I am a person who is goal-oriented, putting first things first as well as prioritizing, and always working with an end goal in mind. I do believe that strong ethical leadership starts with realizing that the leader takes responsibility for everything that occurs and accepts that ownership, then grows from it. We are ultimately guiding our students in order to follow their own paths of greatness and as a leader, we need to carve that pathway towards success.