Plan for Future Professional Growth

Professional Goal Statement for Future Growth

As with most people, one of the reasons I became a teacher was the desire to affect the lives of others. My responsibility in their lives is to make sure that my students are getting the best education possible so that they can succeed in whatever they choose. When I think about my life and where it has taken me and where I would like to go, I recall the journey that has enabled me to choose the current direction in which I am headed and encompasses everything that I strive to become. Over the course of my teaching career, the goals that I have set for myself have changed as I now feel that a career in educational administration is where I belong.

As I embark on the next journey in my professional career, I hope to not only affect the lives of students, but I want to be an advocate for them as well as for my colleagues. I plan to continue my work with my administrators, and to keep learning as I continue towards the administration field. I feel that a career in administration is something that I find true passion for. I believe that effective leadership starts with the belief that people in all positions have different responsibilities that are necessary for roles in developing a common vision for a school. Working together to guide the school toward that common vision is a priority. My personal goal is to embed this belief into my career and maintain a positive atmosphere so that not only I can succeed, but that my teachers and students can as well.

The ultimate end goal is student learning. I feel that this can best be accomplished in an environment of open communication, shared responsibilities, accountability and trust. I feel that my 12 year teaching career has prepared me to take on this next level of administration where I can make a difference in education and I have truly realized that this career is where I see myself excelling, and I am truly honored to develop this opportunity. I will continue to work with administration in my building and build upon what I have already established as a leader. There is always room for improvement and for myself to learn and grow and I feel that will always be the case as I embark on my next journey into administration.