Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Educational research shows a positive correlation between effective parental engagement and student achievement. The overall aim of this policy is to develop a parent and family engagement policy that will establish expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family engagement in the school community. P.S. 112 Lefferts Park, in compliance with Section 1116 of Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is responsible for creating and implementing a parent and family engagement policy to strengthen the connection and support of student achievement between the school and the families. The school's policy is designed to keep parents informed by actively involving them in planning and decision-making in support of the education of their children. Parents are encouraged to actively participate on the School Leadership Team, Parent Association (or Parent-Teacher Association), and Title I Parent Advisory Council as trained volunteers and welcomed members of the school community.

Support for Parents and Family Members of Title I Students

P.S. 112 Lefferts Park will support parents and family members of Title I students by:

Parental Involvement and School Quality

The school's Parent and Family Engagement Policy was designed based upon a careful assessment of the needs of all parents/guardians, including parents/guardians of English Language Learners and students with disabilities. The school community, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, will conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parent and family engagement policy with Title I parents to improve the academic quality of the school. The findings of the evaluation through school surveys and feedback forms will be used to design strategies to more effectively meet the needs of parents and family members and enhance the school's Title I program. This information will be maintained by the school.

In developing the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, parents of Title I participating students, parent members of the school's Parent Association (or Parent-Teacher Association), as well as parent members of the School Leadership Team, were consulted on the proposed Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and asked to survey their members for additional input. To increase and improve parent involvement and school quality, the school will:

Encouraging School-Level Parental Involvement

The school will further encourage school-level parent and family engagement by:

School-Parent Compact (SPC)

P.S. 112 Lefferts Park, in compliance with the Section 1116 of Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is implementing a School-Parent Compact to strengthen the connection and support of student achievement between the school and the families. Staff and parents of students participating in activities and programs funded by Title I, agree that this Compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff and students will share responsibility for improved academic achievement and the means by which a school-parent partnership will be developed to ensure that all children achieve State Standards on assessments.

I. School Responsibilities: High Quality Curriculum

Provide high quality curriculum and instruction consistent with State Standards to enable participating children to meet the State’s Standards and Assessments by:

I. School Responsibilities: Supporting Home-School Relationships

Support home-school relationships and improve communication by:

I. School Responsibilities: Providing Parents Reasonable Access to Staff

Provide parents reasonable access to staff by:

School Responsibilities: Providing General Support to Parents

II. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

III. Student Responsibilities