Funding criteria

Criteria for Promising Futures


Any organisation, agency or service that works with young people (Teachers, Social Workers, Support Worker, Youth Workers etc) can apply to the grant panel for money to support individuals for young people aged up to 18 years of age.

If you require any support in completing the application form or have any questions please contact us ( or 0121 464 6101

Funding Available

GRANTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM £0 UPTO £200 (in exceptional circumstances we will accept applications that exceed this amount)

Grants can be made to support individual young people for interventions that will benefit them. 

Grants can be made to support groups of young people where there is a collective need and a relevant framework for the support is in place.

Panel Meetings:   Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, however urgent applications will be actioned within 5 working days.  You will be notified as soon as possible after your grant application has been viewed by the panel.


Applications must meet at least one of the following criteria and must be submitted by an adult working with the young person/s concerned. Where this isn’t possible the application must be endorsed by a key worker who can verify the validity of the application.


The funding panel is made up trustees who will assess the eligibility of each application.

Examples of things trustees may fund


Arts/Sports Club Subs

School Uniform

Activity Fees

Inspirational Experiences

Specialist Clothing

Respite Activities

School Trips

Notes to consider