Vehicles Responsibility

Vehicles should be operated responsibly and realistically, By means vehicle should be parked in proper parking spaces.

  • No vehicles should be operated inside of a building (Safe zones).
  • They must be purely used on realism grounds and with common sense.
  • You are not allowed to store your vehicle when you are being chased by someone who has intentions to try to rob you.
  • You are not allowed to drop your vehicle in water just so others cannot loot/confiscate its contents, this is considered as Combat storing and is a bannable offense.

Drive responsibly at all times unless you have adequate reasoning to do otherwise. Driving at speed is not the issue here but excessively passing through traffic and traffic lights is. Drifting around onto wrong lanes is also not acceptable. Attempts at stopping at traffic lights, obeying speed limits, driving in the correct lane, etc, should be made, especially in high population areas