
2.1: You should always have properly grounded motivations behind your actions.

2.2: You should value your life at all times. This means that if you are in a situation where someone initiates on you and you’re at a disadvantage, you should surrender and comply with their demands. Examples of this are:

2.3: You should not break roleplay in any way. The only exception is to help a new player if they are unaware of certain controls, in which case you may type the controls to them in Me or OCC chat.

2.4: Combat logging is not allowed. Combat logging is defined as logging out when roleplay is active. This includes situations in which you are being followed, are in combat or are logging out shortly after selling goods at a trader or scrapping a vehicle.

2.5: If you are involved in an ongoing situation and you lose connection to the server, it is your responsibility to contact whoever was involved in the situation to inform them of what has happened and come to an agreement.

2.6: Combat storing is not allowed. Combat storing is defined as storing money or a vehicle whilst you are in an active situation or it is clear someone is making an attempt to start one. Examples of this are:  Storing your money or vehicle whilst being robbed. Storing your money or vehicle if somebody has started roleplay with or is following you.

2.9: The OOC chat is used for out of roleplay communication. This chat has no purpose for roleplay and roleplay in this chat can be disregarded.

2.10: When a player is bleeding out, you are not allowed to restrain or execute them, unless you were initiated with them before they were


2.12: If you are incapacitated and somebody is actively roleplaying with you then you cannot execute yourself for at least five minutes.

2.13: If you have been restrained but the person responsible has made no effort to even speak to you then you are welcome to execute yourself .

2.14: Someone else breaking a rule does not allow you to do the same. If you face a situation that you do not agree with, you should stay in character and attempt to resolve the situation afterwards with the help of the Staff on Discord

2.15: Intentionally blocking a garage spawn with your vehicle is not allowed.

2.16: Using vehicles to block every entrance to a building is not allowed. You should leave at least one entrance accessible at all times.

2.17: Robbing a Person: In order to rob a person, you must have reason. Just for example he was in-character involve for creating any problem for Gang or A Proper Gang War had been initiated. or Fight in Turf Zones (RDM Zone). Then only case you can loot a person. This term is also known as Loot-boxing. Will lead toward Server-side punishments. Even if you trying to kidnap a person you only need to take what can harm you while being kidnapped, looting everything.

2.18: Kidnapping: Kidnapping plays role in order to do something in Roleplay, thus you are allowed to kidnap a person if you are trying to rob a Bank (Hostage) or that group party (Gang/Government) has a background story with your group which leads you to kidnap that group is allowed. Kidnapping to satisfy your OOC ego is considered to be violation of Server rules. If you are trying to kidnap person to make him/her dance or for erotic Roleplay emotes or forcing that role-player to some say cheap words in order to satisfy your ego is not allowed.

2.19: Kidnapping of EMS: On duty EMS (Medics) cannot be taken as hostage, As their job is to revive people and stopping them from scenarios going to disturb in maintenance of Server workflow. It doesnt mean that they are allowed to do anything. While being on duty, they have to continue chain flow or Reviving people in Roleplay instead of doing something else