-7- The Chariot

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One casual day I was contacted by SaltyOceanMan to create a wood farm for them. Ideally I would have used a TNT based design, but since TNT duplication is disabled on EMC, I switched to a Wither based design. The design isn't very difficult, but EMC can lag sometimes. A lot of frustration was had when I had to implement the block conveyer. In the end it became a bit of a mess as you can see in the picture, but it works just fine. (Most of the time.) This marked the start of many farms I would build later.

The farm was made public on SMP7 frontier east so go pay it a visit to indulge yourself in the redstone mess I made. In order to claim this card you must solve my redstone mess for me.

Claimed by: Unoski

Solved by: Luckygreenbird, Unoski