-1- TheSMagician

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In more recent times I have started participating in official EMC events whenever I can, which is not a lot due to timezones. But on one of these occasions I happened to be present when TNT run was officially reintroduced. While playing I noticed that the event was regulated using Minecraft command blocks, something I also like to dabble with. One thing led to an other and on occasion I have been able to "help" work out some command block issues with the staff. This has led me to learn more about command blocks and make some minigames myself offline. For now it's not something I can share yet, but perhaps in time. Just like staff, the card you are looking for vanished. It's hiding on another page, wondering if any magicians can find it. The page is secret.

Claimed by: JNightwind

Solved by: JNightwind, DrasLeona247