
Although my position does not involve research, I am involved in various projects and initiatives with a research component. These initiatives include the GeoSPACE Field Program, MER PORTAL, and smaller-scale projects related to geoscience education, geospatial environmental analysis, and coastal sciences.

 Below, you’ll find a brief description of some of these projects, and I encourage you to contact me for more details if you are interested in additional information.

Project Descriptions

GeoSPACE Field Program

I am a Collaborator on the GeoSPACE Field Program, led by Dr. Anita Marshall, working to create an accessible and hybrid field experience for volcanology and planetary science. In this position, I teach students about remote sensing, photogrammetry, structure from motion, and scientific communication skills for their academic and professional development. I also share my experiences in the graduate application process, navigating my educational and professional career as a person with a highly apparent physical disability, and guiding students on Independent projects during and after the conclusion of the field season. I am passionate about mentoring undergraduate and graduate students as they prepare for conferences and present their research. I love talking about how remote sensing can be used to analyze diverse research questions. Please check the GeoSPACE Field Program Website for more details about this program.

Mars Exploration  Rovers Portal to Observations, Resources, and Tools to Advance Legacy Science (MER PORTAL)

As a consultant on this project, I ensure that all the materials made available to the public are accessible and available to everyone interested in legacy science with the Mars Exploration Rover. Under the leadership of Dr. Shoshana Cole at the Space Science Institute, I am working to ensure that all materials are available in multimodal formats to be available for technical scientists and the public.

Collaborations and Service