
Prof. Ivanov's research projects have been supported by funding from European Commission (Horizon 2020), DFG (German Research Foundation), IFAF Berlin, and industry. 

2024-2029 DFG Collaborative Research Competence Centre: Challenges and Resilience of Global Supply and Value Chains (WP leader)

2024-2027          EU Horizon / PRIMA, CERERE "CEreals REsiliency REvolution for agile supply chain management in the Mediterranean" (WP leader) 

2023-2026     EU Horizon, ACCURATE “Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service” (Task leader).

2021-2025    Norwegian Research Council, “Sustainable Logistics of Future“, Consortium member

2022             IFAF Berlin, “Industry4Healthcare: Pandemic-induced Industrial Capacity Adaptation”, Principal Investigator

2021             IFAF Berlin, “Digital Performance Management in International Supply Chains”, Principal Investigator

2020-2024     EU Horizon 2020, “Models and methods for an active ageing workforce at the times of Industry 4.0: An international academy“, Working Package Leader

2019             IFAC MIM Conference, General Conference Chair (750 participants from 60 countries)