
Positions in professional societies:

Chair IFAC Coordinating Committee CC5 “Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Enterprises” (2023- )

Chair IFAC Technical Committee 5.2 „Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control” (2017-2023)

Vice-Chair IFAC Technical Committee 5.2 „Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control” (2023-)

Chair Working Group “Supply Network Engineering” in IFAC TC 5.2 (2018-)

Full Member IFAC TC 5.2Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control” (2012-)

Full Member IFIP WG 5.7 “Advances in Production Management Systems” (2023-)

Conference organizational activities:

IPC Chair: IFAC INCOM 2024 (Vienna)

IPC Chair: IFAC MIM 2022 (Nantes, France) (750 participants, 540 full papers published in the Proceedings and selected out of more than 800 submissions)

General Conference Chair: IFAC MIM 2019 (Berlin, Germany; 750 participants, 478 Full papers published in the Proceedings and selected out of more than 850 submissions)

General Conference Co-Chair: IFAC MIM 2016 (Troyes, France)

Program Co-Chair: SOMET 2023 (Naples, Italy)

Advisory Board and Steering Committee member: ICOSCM 20-21, ICOI 2020, INCOM 2018, BPSCM 2014

IPC Member of over 60 International Conferences: INCOM 2024, LDIC 2024, AMEST 2024, MICNON 2024, ADCHEM 2024, IFAC WC2023, GCSM 2023, POMS2023, EDSI2023, PRO-VE 2023, APMS2023, CODIT2023, LSS2022, MIM 2022, PRO-VE 2022, APMS2022, LDIC 2022, AMEST2022, IMS2022, LSS 2022, HMS 2022, IMS 2021, INCOM2021, CMS CIRP 2021, APMS 2021, INFORMS ICSS 2021, PRO-VE 2021, APMS2020, GSCM2020, INFORMS ICSS2020, IFAC WC2020, AMEST2020, PRO-VE2020, ICINCO2020, LDIC2020, MIM2019, IMS2019, GCSM2019, IMS2019, IESM2019, ICINCO2019, PRO-VE2019, INCOM2018, EPPM2018, PRO-VE2018, ICINCO2018, LDIC 2018, IFAC WC2017, IMMOD2017, IESM2017, WSC2017, PRO-VE2017, ICINCO2017, LM2017, DMMS2017, MIM2016, ICINCO2016, PRO-VE2016, DMO2016, INCOM2015, WSC2016, PRO-VE2015, ICINCO2015, LM2015, WSC2015, PRO-VE2014, BPSCM2014, MIM2013, PRO-VE2013, PRO-VE2012, DR-LOG2006-2012, ISL2012, ISL2011, ICCL11, INOC11.

IFIP APMS 2023: Special Session Co-organizer: Operations and SCM in Energy-Intensive Production for a Sustainable Future (with F. Sgarbossa, M. Peron, G. Fragapani)

IFAC World Congress, Technical Associate Editor, Track Chair „Implementing Digital Twin in Manufacturing and Logistics Systems: New Trends and Challenges“ (with D. Battini (IT, X. Delorme (FR), O. Battaia (FR), M. Peron (NOR), N. Berti (IT), S. Finco (IT))

 IFIP APMS 2023 conference

Invited session chair “Operations and SCM in Energy-Intensive Production for a Sustainable Future” (with F. Sgarbossa (NOR), M. Peron (NOR), G. Fragapani))

 IFAC Conference MIM 2012 „Manufacturing Modelling and Management”

IPC Chair

Invited session chair “The Ripple Effect, Supply Chain Viability and COVID-19 Pandemic” (with A. Dolgui (FR), A. Kinra (DE) and M. Sodhi (UK))

Invited session chair “Digital Supply Chain” (with A. Dolgui (FR), T.-M. Choi (UK), B. Shen (China))

Invited session chair “Viable and Reconfigurable Supply Chains, Intertwined Supply Networks and Ecosystems” (with A. Dolgui (FR), W. Chen (US), J. Blackhurst (US))

Invited session chair “Supply Chain Resilience and Viability” (with A. Dolgui (FR), D. Battini (IT), R. Aldrighetti (IT))

Invited session chair “Challenges and Opportunities in Applying Additive Manufacturing in Supply Chains” (with F. Sgarbossa (NOR), M. Peron (NOR), S. Finco (IT), F. Lolli (IT))

17th IFAC Symposium INCOM 2021 “Information control problems in manufacturing”, IPC member, Invited Session Chair “Disruption risks and resilience in supply chains” (with A. Dolgui, D. Battini, R. Aldrighetti)

IFAC Conference MIM 2019 „Manufacturing Modelling and Management”

General Conference Chair und IPC Member (800+ Full Papers)

 Invited Track Chair „Supply network dynamics and control (with A. Dolgui (FR), S. Sethi (USA), S. Disney (UK))

Invited Track Chair “Supply Chain Risk Management” (A. Dolgui (FR), S. Talluri (USA), C. Tang (USA)

Invited Session Chair „Digital Technology and Supply Chain Risks“ (with A. Das (USA) und A. Kinra (DK)

Invited Session Chair „Scheduling in cloud manufacturing“ (with Dolgui (FR))

Invited Session Chair „ Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Maintenance Management “ (with O. Gusikhin (USA) und F. Yalaoui (FR)

30th POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) Annual Conference, Invited Session Chair „Models and Risk Analytics for Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks“

16th IFAC Symposium INCOM 2018 “Information control problems in manufacturing”, Steering Committee Member, IPC member, Track and Session Chair

29th POM Annual Conference, Session Chair “Supply Chain Risk Management” (with Varun Gupta (USA)

IFAC World Congress, Technical Associate Editor, Track Chair „Supply Network Resilience, Dynamics, and Control“ (with A. Dolgui (FR))

IFAC/IFORS Conference MIM 2016 „Manufacturing Modelling and Management”

General Conference Co-Chair und IPC Member,

Track Chair “Supply Chain Analytics and Risk Control” (with A. Dolgui (FR), T. Sawik (PL) und D. Wu (Canada))

Chair of Invited Sessions “Supply Chain Scheduling” (with Prof. N. Hall (US) und M. Kovalyov (Belarus)), “Supply Network Dynamics and Control” (with A. Dolgui (FR), T. Sawik (PL), W. Zhang (Canada)) und Supply Chain Resilience (with S. Sethi (US) and R. Hartl (Austria)).

OR2016 in Hamburg, Track Chair “Control theory and Continuous Optimization” (with C. Tammer)

META2016: Special Session “Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for complex systems scheduling” (with F. Yalaoui and Y. Ouazene)

IFAC/IIE/IFIP/IFORS Conference INCOM 2015, Ottawa, Canada

IPC Member; Track Chair “Supply Network Design and Management” (with A. Dolgui (FR) and O. Gusikhin (US))

Chair of Invited Sessions “Supply Chain Scheduling” (with Prof. N. Hall (US) and M. Kovalyov (Belarus) und “Supply Network Dynamics and Control” (with Prof. A. Dolgui (FR) und B. Sokolov (RUS))

OR2015 in Vienna, Track Chair “Control theory” (with G. Feichtinger and W. Viliov)

3rd International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014), International Advisory Board Member

Chair Stream on Supply Chain Optimization, Joint EURO-INFORMS Conference (with Prof. Morales/Oxford, UK and Prof. Meissner / KLU, Hamburg)

Chair Invited Sessions IFAC Conference MIM 2013:

Coordinated logistics and supply chain optimization (Chairs: D. Ivanov, A. Dolgui, J. Schönberger, H. Kopfer) and Supply network optimization and control (Chairs: D. Ivanov, B. Bidanda/ R. Hartl/, B. Sokolov)

Chair Invited Session on Supply Network Dynamics and Control, FAC Symposium INCOM 2012 (with A. Dolgui and B. Sokolov)

Track Chair on Supply Network Engineering, IFAC Symposium INCOM 2012; with Shimon Y. Nof and Jean-Claude Hennet

Chair Track Flexible Supply Networks, IFAC Symposium INCOM 2009 (with A. Smirnov and K. Sandkuhl)