About Me

About me

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov is professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) and faculty director of M.A. Global Supply Chain and Operations Management and B.Sc. International Sustainability Management programs at HWR Berlin.

His research explores structural dynamics and control in complex networks, with applications to supply chain resilience, Industry 4.0, supply chain simulation, risk analytics and digital supply chain twins. He is co-author of structural dynamics control method. His research coined several seminal academic and practical directions such as the ripple effect in supply chains and supply chain viability. He has applied different methodologies such as optimization, simulation, control theory, and artificial intelligence to a variety of supply chain and operations management problems. Most of his research stems from real practical context and focuses on the interface of supply chain management, operations research, industrial engineering, and digital technology.

He has been teaching courses in operations management, supply chain management, logistics, management information systems, and strategic management at undergraduate, master’s, PhD, and executive MBA levels at different universities worldwide for about 25 years. He has given guest lectures and webinars, presented scholarly papers and has been a visiting professor at numerous universities across the globe. Author of anyLogistix educational complex for supply chain optimization and simulation that is in use at more than 300 universities worldwide. He enjoys being part of students’ learning experience and creating a safe and active learning environment. He sees his job as an educator to equip future industry leaders with working knowledge and skills in management and technology that would shape more resilient, adaptable, and sustainable supply chains and operations.

His academic background includes industrial engineering and management, operations research, and applied control theory. He studied industrial engineering and production management and graduated with honors. He gained PhD (Dr.rer.pol.), Doctor of Science (ScD), and Habilitation (Dr. habil.) degrees. Prior to becoming an academic, he was mainly engaged in industry and consulting, especially for process optimization in manufacturing and logistics and ERP systems. His practical expertise includes numerous projects on the application of operations research and process optimization methods to operations design, logistics, scheduling and supply chain management. Prior to joining the Berlin School of Economics and Law, he was professor and interim chair of Operations Management at University of Hamburg.

Professor Ivanov’s research makes impact. His papers belong to the most cited worldwide in the areas of supply chain resilience and digital supply chain. For example, he has been the most cited author of premier journals International Journal of Production Research and Transportation Research: Part E in 2020-2023. His research record includes over 430 publications, with over 160 papers in prestigious academic journals, three editions of the leading textbook “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management”, „Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience“ book, and several research books such as „Digital Supply Chain“, „Supply Networks Dynamics and Control“, „Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management“, „Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing“, and „Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain“. Professor Ivanov’s research has been published in various academic journals, including Annals of Operations Research, Annual Reviews in Control, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IISE Transactions, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, International Journal of Inventory Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Technology Management, International Journal of Systems Science, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Scheduling, Omega, Production Planning and Control, Transportation Research: Part E, etc.

He is a recipient of IISE Transactions Best Paper Award 2021, Best Paper and Most Cited Paper Awards of International Journal of Production Research (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), OMEGA Best Paper Award 2022, Annual Reviewer Award of International Journal of Production Economics (2020), Commended Paper Award at International Conference LogDynamics (2018), Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Award (2021, 2022, 2023). He is listed in WiWo ranking 2018, 2020, and 2022 „The Best Reseachers in Business and Management“ in category TOP 50 (ranked #5 in 2022). His research projects have been supported by funding from European Commission, DFG (German Research Foundation), IFAF Berlin as well industrial companies.

Dr. Ivanov is profiled in supply chain and operations management, operations research and industrial engineering. He is passionate about bridging the knowledge of different disciplines and applying it to solution of practically relevant problems. He delivered numerous invited plenary, keynote and panel talks at the conferences and global webinars of INFORMS, POMS, IFAC, IFIP, IFPR, DSI, and Academy of Management.  He is leading working groups, tracks and sessions on the Digital Supply Chain, Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilience in global research communities. He is Editor of International Journal of Integrated Supply Management and an Associate Editor in International Journal of Production Research, International Transactions in Operational Research, International Journal of Systems Science, and OMEGA. He is an editorial board member, associate and guest-editor in different journals, including  Annals of Operations Research, Annual Reviews in Control, IISE Transactions, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, International Transactions in Operational Research, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Inventory Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, International Journal of Systems Science, and OMEGA. He is Chairman of IFAC CC5 „Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Enterprise“, former Chairman of IFAC TC 5.2 “Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control” (2017-2023), and Co-Chairman of the IFAC TC 5.2 Working group “Supply Network Engineering”. He regularly presents his research results and has been Chairman, IPC and Advisory Board member of over 70 international conferences in supply chain and operations management, industrial engineering, control and information sciences where he has organized numerous tracks and sessions (including IFAC MIM, IFAC INCOM, EURO, INFORMS, IISE, IFORS, DSI, POMS, OR, IFAC World Congress, IFIP PRO-VE, LDIC, to name a few).

He has been General Conference Chair of IFAC MIM 2019 – one of the worldwide largest conferences in manufacturing, industrial engineering, operations and supply chain management (750 participants).