Research Interests
My work is focused on theoretical and empirical exploration of the way observing others’ emotional reactions affects social judgments. In recent years I have established a research group that works under the Laboratory for the Study of Social Perception of Emotions that I head. Research conducted by my laboratory's members focuses on research topics described above as well as on other research recently developed some of which involves the study of the effect of environmental factors on social perception. More recently I have developed tools and studies testing dynamic aspects of social perception of emotions.
Journal articles
Hareli, S. (1999). Justice and deservingness judgments – refuting the interchangeability assumption. New Ideas in Psychology. 17, 183-193.
Katzir, G., Strod, T., Schechtmann, E., Hareli, S., & Arad, Z. (1999). Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus Ibis), are less capable to cope with light refraction than other herons are. Animal Behaviour, 57, 687-694.
Hareli, S., & Weiner, B. (2000). Accounts for success as determinants of perceived arrogance and modesty. Motivation and Emotion. 17, 215-236.
Hareli, S. & Weiner, B. (2002). Social emotions and personality inferences: A scaffold for a new research direction in the study of achievement motivation. Educational Psychologist. 37, 183-193.
Hareli, S. & Weiner, B. (2002). Dislike and envy as antecedents of pleasure at another's misfortune. Motivation and Emotion. 26, 257-277.
Hareli, S. (2005). Accounting for one's behavior—What really determines its effectiveness? Its type or its content? Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 35, 359-372.
Hareli, S. Shomrat, N. & Biger N. (2005). The role of emotions in employees’ explanations for failure in the workplace. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20, 663-680.
Hareli, S. Weiner, B. & Yee J. (2006). Honesty doesn’t always pay - the role of honesty of accounts for success made in an educational setting in inferences of modesty and arrogance. Social Psychology of Education, 9, 119-138.
Hareli, S. & Tzafrir, S. (2006). The role of causal attributions in survivors’ emotional reactions to downsizing. Human Resource Development Review, 5, 400-421.
Hareli, S. & Eisikovits, Z. (2006). The role of communicating social emotions accompanying apologies in forgiveness. Motivation and Emotion, 30, 189-197.
Blumen, O. & Hareli, S. (2006). How children feel about their fathers’ work in the hi-tech sector. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 1, 317-335.
Hareli, S., Karnieli-Miller, O., Hermoni, D. & Eidelman, S. (2007). Factors in the doctor-patient relationship that accentuate physicians’ hurt feelings when patients terminate the relationship with them. Patient Education and Counseling, 67, 169-175.
Hareli, S., & Parkinson, B. (2008). What’s social about social emotions? Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 38, 131- 156.
Hareli, S., Klang, M., & Hess, U. (2008). The role of career history in gender based biases in job selection decisions. Career Development International, 13, 252-269.
Hareli, S., & Hess, U. (2008). When does feedback about success at school hurt? The role of causal attributions. Social Psychology of Education, 11, 259-272.
Hareli, S., & Hess, U. (2008). The role of causal attribution in hurt feelings and related social emotions elicited in reaction to other's feedback about failure, Cognition and Emotion, 22, 862-880.
Hareli, S. & Rafaeli, A. (2008). Emotion cycles: On the social influence of emotions in organizations, Research in Organizational Behavior, 28, 35-59.
Hareli, S., Harush, R., Suleiman, R., Cossette, M., Bergeron, V., Lavoie, V., Dugay, G., & Hess, U. (2009). When scowling may be a good thing: The influence of anger expressions on credibility, European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 631-638.
Hareli, S., Shomrat, N., & Hess, U. (2009). Emotional versus neutral expressions and perceptions of social dominance and submissiveness. Emotion, 9(3), 378–384.
Tzafrir, S. & Hareli, S. (2009). Employees' emotional reactions to promotion decisions: The role of causal attributions and perceptions of justice, Career Development International, 14, 351-371.
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2010). What emotional reactions can tell us about the nature of others: An appraisal perspective on person perception, Cognition and Emotion , 24, 128-140.
Hareli, S., Sharabi, M., & Hess, U. (2011). Tell me who you are and I tell you how you feel: Expected emotional reactions to success and failure are influenced by knowledge about a person’s personality, International Journal of Psychology. 46, 310-320.
Hareli, S., Sharabi, M., Cossette, M., & Hess, U. (2011). Observers' expectations regarding the emotional reactions of others in a failure context: The role of status and perceived dominance, Motivation and Emotion. 35, 52-62.
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2012). The social signal value of emotions, Cognition and Emotion. 26, 385-389.
Hareli, S., & Klos, D. (2012). The role of causal attribution in determining group members' emotional responses to failure. Review of Psychology Frontiers. 1, 27-36.
Hess, U., Gryc, O., & Hareli, S. (2013). How shapes influence social judgments. Social Cognition. 31, 72-80.
Hareli, S., David, S., Hess, U. (2013). Competent and warm but unemotional: The influence of occupational stereotypes on the attribution of emotions, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 37, 307-317.
Hareli, S. Moran-Amir, O., David, S., & Hess, U. (2013). Emotions as signals of normative conduct, Cognition and Emotion. 27, 1395-1404.
Hareli, S., David, S., Akron, S., & Hess, U. (2013). Power and Emotions in negotiations. Europe’s Journal of Psychology. 9, 820-831.
Hareli, S., Berkovitch, N., Livnat, L., & David, S. (2013). Anger and shame as determinants of perceived competence, International Journal of Psychology. 9, 1080-1089.
Hareli, S. (2014). Making sense of the social world and influencing it by using a naïve attribution theory of emotions. Emotion Review, 6, 336-343.
Hareli, S., Zohar, E., David, S., Lasalle, M., & Hess, U. (2014). Seeing what you ought to see: The impact of achievement norms on the perception of emotions. Motivation and Emotion. 38, 600-608.
David, S., Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2015). Perception of truthfulness as a function of emotion expression accompanying attributions of a failure. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 11, 125-138.
Hess, U. and Hareli, S. (2015). The influence of context on emotion recognition in humans. In 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2015), pp. 705–710, IEEE
Hareli, S., David, S., Lev-Yadun, S., & Katzir, G. (2016). Money in your palm: Sharp shaped vegetation in the surroundings increase the subjective value of houses. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46, 176-187.
Akron, S., Feinblit, O., Hareli, S., & Tzafrir, S. (2016). Employment arrangements diversity and work group performance. Team Performance Management, 22, 310-330.
Hareli, S. & David, S. (2017). The effect of reactive emotions expressed in response to another's anger on inferences of social power. Emotion, 17, 717-727.
Hess, U. & Hareli, S. (2018). On the malleability of the meaning of contexts: The influence of another person’s emotion expressions on situation perception. Cognition and Emotion, 32, 185-191.
Hess, U., Landmann, H., David, S., & Hareli, S. (2018). The bidirectional relation of emotion perception and social judgments: the effect of witness’ emotion expression on perceptions of moral behaviour and vice versa. Cognition and Emotion, 32(6), 1152-1165. doi:10.1080/02699931.2017.1388769
Hareli, S., Smoly, M., Hess, U. (2018). Help me Obi-Wan: The influence of facial dominance on perceptions of helpfulness. Social Influence. 13, 163-176. DOI: 10.1080/15534510.2018.1500944
Hareli, S., Halhal, M., & Hess, U. (2018). Dyadic dynamics: The impact of emotional responses to facial expressions on the perception of power. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01993
Hess, U., Cossette, M., David, S, & Hareli, S. (2018). In life as on paper? The influence of emotions on personality perceptions in an interactive setting, Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics. 4, 21-29.
Hareli, S., Elkabetz, S., & Hess, U. (2019). Drawing inferences from emotion expressions: The role of situative informativeness and context. Emotion, 19, 200-208. doi: 10.1037/emo0000368
Hess, U., Dietrich, J., Kafetsios, K., Elkabetz, S., & Hareli, S. (2019). The bidirectional influence of emotion expressions and context: Emotion expressions, situational information and real-world knowledge combine to inform observers' judgments of both the emotion expressions and the situation, Cognition and Emotion, 34. 539-552. 10.1080/02699931.2019.1651252
Hareli, S., Katzir, G., & Lev-Yadun, S. (2020). The geographical enigma of top achievements in weightlifting, Advances in Anthropology, 10, 48-60. doi: 10.4236/aa.2020.101004
Basis, F., Zeidani, H., Hussein, K., & Hareli, S. (2022). Drastic reduction inpatient visits to the emergency department in a hospital in Israel during the covid-19 outbreak, compared to the H1N1 2009. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, 429-433. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.151
Hareli, S., David, O., & Hess, U. (2020). What facial expressions of emotions tell us about the health of others? Frontiers in Psychology, 11:585242. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.585242
Basis, F., Zaidani, H., & Hareli, S. (2020). Is emergency medicine as a new specialty cost effective: Our experience after 19 years?, Annals of Trauma and Acute Care, 4, 1021.
Zickfeld, J.H, van de Ven, N., Pich, O [et al, including Hareli S.] (2021). Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries, 95, 104-137. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Hareli, S., Elkabetz, S., Hanoch, Y., & Hess, U. (2021). Social perception of risk-taking willingness as a function of expressions of emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(1815).
Hareli, S., Vider, E, & Hanoch, Y. (2021). The influence of facial dominance on perceptions of risk-taking preferences, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 10, 283-306.
Scarantino, A., Hareli, S., & Hess, U. (2022). Emotional expressions as appeals to recipients, Emotion, 22, 1856-1868. doi: 10.1037/emo0001023
Hareli, S., David, O., Basis, F., & Hess, U. (2022). Does it pay to treat patients with Coronavirus disease 2019? Social perception of physicians treating patients with Coronavirus disease 2019. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(6104).
Hess, U., Hareli, S., & Scarantino, A. (2023). What is it about your face that tells me what you want from me? Emotional appeals are associated with specific mental images, Cognition and Emotion, 38, 389-398.
- Seitl, M., Omastová, E., Sulejmanov, F., Hess, U., Hareli, S., Dostál, D., Hypšová, P. & Kafetsios, K. (2023). An emotional experience of work: Attachment orientations and emotion expressions to work-related film stimuli, Studia Psychologica. 65 (4), 307-319.
Kafetsios, K., Hess, U., Dostal, D., Seitl, M., Hypsova, P., Hareli, S., Alonso-Arbiol, I., Schütz, A., Gruda, D., Campbell, K., Chen, B.-B., Held, M. J., Kamble, S., Kimura, T., Kirchner-Häusler, A., Livi, S., Mandal, E., Ochnik, D., Sakman, E., Sumer, N., Theodorou, A., & Uskul, A. K. (2024). A contextualized emotion perception assessment relates to personal and social well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 104556.
Hareli, S., Hanoch, Y., Elkabetz, S., & Hess, U. (in press). Dressed emotions : How attire and emotion expressions influence first impressions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.
Edited book
Hess U. & Hareli S. (Eds.). (2019). The social nature of emotion expression: What emotions can tell us about the world. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.
Book chapters
Hareli, S. (1997). The animal in man and man in the animal - on the roots of aggression, hatred and warfare. In: A. Ben-Ze’ev (Ed.). Hatred. (pp.132-156). (in Hebrew, Zemora-Bitan).
Hareli, S., & Parkinson, B. (2009). Social emotions. In Sander, D. & Scherer, K. (Eds.), Oxford Companion to Affective Sciences. (pp. 374-375). Oxford University Press.
Hareli, S., Rafaeli, A., & Parkinson, B. (2008). Emotions as social entities: Interpersonal functions and effects of emotion in organizations. In N. M. Ashkanasy and C. L. Cooper (Eds.) Research Companion to Emotion in Organizations. (pp. 349-359). London: Edward Elgar.
Hess, U. & Hareli, S. (2014). The face as social context for the interpretation of emotional facial expressions. In M. K. Mandal and A. Awasthi (Eds). Understanding Facial Expressions in communication: Cross-cultural and multidisciplinary Perspectives. (pp. 119-142). New-York: Springer.
Hess, U. & Hareli, S. (2015). The influence of context on emotion recognition in humans. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 4-7.
Hess, U., & Hareli, S., (2016). The impact of context on the perception of emotions. In: C. Abell and J. Smith (Eds.), The Expression of Emotion: Philosophical, Psychological, and Legal Perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (pp. 199-218). Cambridge University Press.
Hess, U., & Hareli, S. (2017). The social signal value of emotions: The role of contextual factors in social inferences drawn from emotion displays (375-392). In J. Russell & J. M. Fernandez-Dols (Eds.), The Science of Facial Expression. Paris: Oxford University Press.
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (in press). Apologies, forgiveness and the social perception of emotions. In: G. L. Schiewer, J. Altarriba, J. & B. C. Ng (Eds.), Handbook on Language and Emotion. De Gruyter Mouton Press.
Hess, U. & Hareli, S. (2019). The emotion based inferences in context (EBIC) model (1-5). In. U. Hess & S. Hareli (Eds.), The social nature of emotion expression: What emotions can tell us about the world. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2019). The reverse engineering of emotions – Observers of others’ emotions as naïve personality psychologists (103-118). In. U. Hess & S. Hareli (Eds.), The social nature of emotion expression: What emotions can tell us about the world. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.
Hareli, S., Elkabetz, S., & Hess, U. (2019). The use of emotions to infer norms and standards (199-208). In. U. Hess & S. Hareli (Eds.), The social nature of emotion expression: What emotions can tell us about the world. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.
Hess U, Hareli S, Kleck R.E. (2023). Emotion communication and person perception (3-24). In: Hess U, Adams, Jr. R. B, & Kleck R. E. (Eds.), Emotion communication by the aging face and body: A multidisciplinary view. Studies in emotion and social interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University. doi:10.1017/9781009209656.002
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2025). Social influence of emotions. In. R. Prislin (Ed.). Research Handbook on Social Influence (pp. 104-116). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Entries in Encyclopedias
Hareli, S. (2016). Social Emotions. In: H. L. Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hareli, S. & Hess, U. (2017). Facial Expressions and Emotion, In: V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.
Hareli, S. (2018). Attributional Theory. In: B. F. Bruce (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.