My goal is to transfer the different research activities in the field of Computer Science that I carried out at the  University of Salerno (now) and at the University of Basilicata (in the past) to the  industry.  I also carried out formative projects. On this page you can find some of the experiences gained on the filed.

Past and Ongoing Projects 

PrediHealth (Telemedicina e Algoritmi Predittivi per la Cura e la Prevenzione di Pazienti con Scompenso Cardiaco Cronico)

Cardiovascular Diseases (MCV) represent in Italy the main cause of mortality, morbidity, hospitalization, and disability. The related health costs are very high: the expenditure items for direct care amount to 65% of all resources allocated to the National Health Service (SNN) and those related to pharmaceutical expenditure to 25%. Heart failure (SC) is a serious and growing condition due to the lengthening of the average lifespan. The DRG 127, due to decompensation, is, from Agenas data, the second largest (223,240 admissions in 2015). 30 days after hospital resignation, SC mortality is 11% while readmissions are 14% and re-pedaling 3%. The patient with SC, especially if elderly, falls within the definition of a fragile subject, that is, when it has a condition of reduction of resources and resistance to stress, caused by the cumulative decline of several physiological systems, to determine hospitalization and mortality. The PrediHealth project, in line with the indications of the PNRR and DM77, aims to facilitate the integrated hospital-territory-home management of fragile patients with cardiovascular diseases (CV) identifying a shared model for the delivery of home care that makes the most of the possibilities offered by new technologies through telemedicine and home automation tools integrated with Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain methods (BC). Specifically, the main objective of PrediHealth is the design and prototype development of a telemonitoring system consisting of ( a) An interoperable web-based application, based on health standards known as HL7 FHIR, for the secure and shared exchange of health data from telemonitoring devices, to allow a possible future integration with other services/systems/platforms and/or hospital medical records (in particular of Tuscany); (b) A telemonitoring kit, consisting of medical devices and environmental sensors, which will be selected for patients with SC; and (c) Multimarkers Score to support Decision Making, based on data from telemedicine devices designed for use at the patient’s home. Predictive, patient-centered, and environmental algorithms will be designed and developed using IoT technologies, based on AI and ML methods.  - Bando a cascata emanato dalla Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Programma “Tuscany Health Ecosystem” - THE - Spoke 10 - CUP - J13C22000420001, finanziato dall’Unione Europea - Next Generation EU” sui fondi PNRR MUR - M4C2” - Investimento 1.5. (PI Prof.  Giuseppe Scanniello) 2024-2025

MSR4SBOM-Mining Software Repositories for enhanced Software Bills of Materials (PRIN 2022-PNRR)

This project is in cooperation with the University of Sannio. MSR4SBOM main goal is to deliver a framework that analyzes the content of software repositories and SBOMs to provide context-sensitive recommendations. MSR4SBOM will support the software engineer in (i) the management of software supply chains, (ii) the identification of licensing issues (e.g., compatibility) of the components in the inventory, (iii) the origin of software components (not only at the level of libraries/component, but also in terms of snippets reused from other repositories) by understanding if they are new or renamed, moved, or otherwise changed version of existing software components; and (iv) the recommendation of dependencies of those components in the SBOM that are prone to security/vulnerability issues. To achieve the project goal, MSR4SBOM plans to develop analyzers to extract and combine relevant information from heterogeneous software repositories. Our analyzers will combine techniques based on source-code analysis, natural language processing, and machine learning and apply them to structured and unstructured information from software repositories and Q&A forums. We plan to leverage: (i) information from forges (e.g., GitHub), Q&A forums, as well as existing large code repositories such as Software Heritage or World of Code and (ii) develop tracing techniques leveraging clone detection, artifact fingerprinting, and origin analysis techniques. The main outputs of the project will be (i) a set of methods and tools released as open-source projects, making them exploitable in industrial, academic, and open-source contexts (ii) replication packages of our empirical studies and repositories of datasets collected while developing, calibrating, and validating the MSR4SBOM methods and tools. (prof. Massimiliano di Penta. (PI Prof.  Giuseppe Scanniello). 2023-2025

MOOD-Mindfulness fOr Software Developers (PRIN 2022)

This project is in cooperation with the University of Turin and the University of Trento. MOOD will expand the body of knowledge on the (short- and long-term) effects of mindfulness—and the ad-hoc MBSR protocol, in particular—in the SD context. Also, we will delineate lessons learned to help developers achieve their best at work through our ad-hoc MBSR protocol and drive the research on mindfulness in the SD context in the next few years. At a developer level, we expect that our ad-hoc MBSR protocol will improve developers' well-being (e.g., by lowering stress). At an organizational level, we foresee an improvement in developers' performance and quality of SD-related artifacts, while at a societal level, we expect to reduce the indirect cost caused by poor well-being at work (e.g., developers experiencing burnout). Also, it is expected to have a reduction in employee turnover, which is burdensome to the software industry due to the recruiting, selection, and training expenses. (PI Prof.  Simone Romano). 2023-2025


This formative project was carried out in cooperation with the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale). SENECA (geStione Ed orgaNizzazione dEi doCumenti digitali nella pubblica Amministrazione) is concerned with the definition and application of a methodological model aimed at increasing the technological and digital knowledge of employees of the Public Administration (PA). The main formative goals were: (i) Promote knowledge of the regulatory framework and new national policy guidelines regarding the modernization of the PA; (ii) Provide the technological tools for the modernization of the PA, using applications for the transformation of traditional document banks into digital and for communication with the PA; and (iii) Provide the technological tools for the management of digital databases.  A selection of employees of several institutions of the PA from the Basilicata Region took part in this course.  Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed and managed several aspects of this course (e.g., organization, design, and delivery of the overall didactic process, lecturers’ and learners’ selection, the assessment model for learners, and so on). SENECA was financed on a competitive basis. 


This formative project was carried out in cooperation with the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale). SENECA (geStione Ed orgaNizzazione dEi doCumenti digitali nella pubblica Amministrazione) is concerned with the definition and application of a methodological model aimed at increasing the technological and digital knowledge of employees of the Public Administration (PA). The main formative goals were: (i) the promotion of teamwork by maximizing the communication skills of individuals; (ii) use of cooperative and collaborative work tools with particular reference to the major synchronous and asynchronous distributed work frameworks and the most current communication media and (iii) promote the conscious use of these tools for their use within the PA and with the citizen. A selection of employees of several institutions of the PA from the Basilicata Region took part in this course.  Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed and managed several aspects of this course (e.g., organization, design, and delivery of the overall didactic process, lecturers’ and learners’ selection, the assessment model for learners, and so on). SENECA was financed on a competitive basis. 


This formative project was carried out in cooperation with the Regione Basilicata. SPAM (Sicurezza e Pubblica AMministrazione)  is concerned with the definition and application of a methodological model aimed at increasing the awareness of the employees of the Regione Basilicata on cloud computing, privacy, and information security issues.  Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed and managed several aspects of this course (e.g., organization, design and delivery of the overall didactic process, and lecturers’ selection).  He also held a teaching module on social engineering.


This formative project was carried out in cooperation with the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale). MASTODON (MAnagement and STOrage of Digital dOcumeNt) is concerned with the definition and application of a methodological model aimed at increasing the technological and digital knowledge of employees of the Public Administration (PA). The main formative goal was to provide advanced knowledge on the dematerialization process of documentation in PA.  A selection of employees of several institutions of the PA from the Basilicata Region took part in this course. The employees had managerial roles in their-own PAs.  Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed and managed several aspects of this course (e.g., organization, design, and delivery of the overall didactic process, lecturers’ and learners’ selection, the assessment model for learners, and so on). MASTODON was financed on a competitive basis. 


The main goal of this project concerned the definition of Microservices and APIs for Manufacturing Resource Planning Service for the KEIRETSU platform (i.e., a modular cloud platform for the creation of ecosystems for the digital and sustainable transformation of small- to medium-sized enterprises)

This project was carried out in cooperation with the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale). The object of this formative project concerned the definition and application of a methodological model aimed at increasing the technological and digital knowledge of employees of the Public Administration (PA) through the analysis, interpretation, and report of data and processes relating to the provided services to implement the government guidelines (e.g., AgiD) related to the promotion of innovative management models, the simplification and modernization of the PA institutions as well as the improvement of the quality of services and interoperability between PA, companies, and citizens. In this respect, prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed a formative course, which has been administered to a selection of employees of several institutions of the PA from the Basilicata Region. Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello designed and had to manage several aspects of this course (e.g., organization, design, and delivery of the overall didactic process, lecturers’ and learners’ selection, the assessment model for learners, and so on), which was financed on a competitive basis. 

NAV Fondi Aperti

The main goal of this project concerned the definition of methods, techniques, and tools for the testing of platforms for supervised entities operating in the traditional investment funds market.  As part of this project in cooperation with ARTIS Consulting S.p.A, prof. Giuseppe Scanniello was also responsible for a six-month scholarship.


The goal of CASPEV  (Comprensione di Artefatti Software Per l'Evoluzione) concerned the definition of methods, techniques, and tools for the analysis of software artifacts to support the evolution of legacy systems. The proposed solutions have been assessed by a number of empirical studies. The greater part of these studies are human-centric experiments. 


The goal of NLP4TE (NLP for regression TEsting) is to investigate the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques in the context of Regression Testing. The main outcomes concerned the definition of methods, techniques, and tools to support: test case section, test case prioritization, and test suite miniaturization/minimization. 


University of Basilicata. Title: “SESA (Software Engineering for Smart Applications).” Object: Defining approaches to support the development and evolution of software applications, with a special focus on the definition of methods for predicting the effort required to develop and maintain applications for smartphones (i.e., Apple and Android). It has been investigated the possibility of using artificial intelligence techniques to define models for estimating costs and energy consumption, as well as the possibility of using past information to predict the presence of faults within the source code of smartphone applications. 

EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners from 13 EU countries, most of which are part of the Copernicus Academy Network. Be they from academia, the public or private sector, they are all active in the education and training fields of the space / geospatial sectors. Technological progress and globalization offer tremendous opportunities for innovation, job creation, and growth. This also requires people to acquire new skills in order to drive and support change. But which skills are they, and how can we build and shape the workforce of the future? This is where EO4GEO steps in. EO4GEO aims to bridge the skills gap between the supply and demand of education and training in the space/geospatial sectors, fostering the uptake and integration of space/geospatial data and services in a broad range of application domains. EO4GEO will work in a multi and interdisciplinary way and apply innovative solutions for its education and training actions: case-based and collaborative learning scenarios; learning-while-doing in a living lab environment; on-the-job training and co-creation of knowledge, skills, and competencies. 

The activities of OT4CLIMA (Innovative OT Technologies for studying the impacts of climate change on the environment)  are carried out in the PON Research and Innovation 2014 - 2020 resources and took effect from 01/09/2018. We were involved in activities concerned with the definition of functional specifications, data and processing chains. These specifications will be identified and formalized from the end-user point of view and data, techniques and specific processing algorithms will be modeled accordingly. 

Feasibility Study for the Definition and Testing of an Approach to Migrate Apps for Smartphones to Wearable Devices

The Basilicata Region and the Consortium for the Scientific and Technological Research Area of Trieste promoted this project, whose goal was to define a strategy to migrate apps, originally developed for smart devices (e.g., smartphones), to wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches). The developed solutions were tested in a pilot project to assess their validity. This project was funded on resources of the P.O. F.E.S.R. Basilicata 2007-2013 Axis II - Knowledge Society L.I. II.1.2.a from 23-07-2015 to 31-10- 2015. 


The TeRN (Tecnologie per le Osservazioni della Terra e dei Rischi Naturali) funded NIBS (Networking and Internationalisation of Basilicata Space Technologies) Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello was responsible for what concerns the study and research activities between the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics of the University of Basilicata and TeRN  within the following objective: Prototyping of STS Lucano applications/products on multi-platform systems (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) for demonstration purposes, or Study and research activities for the development of demonstrative APPs aimed at acquiring observations direct citizens to integrate them into an environmental monitoring and civil protection systems. The project has been funded under the PO-FESR Basilicata 2007-2013 under Axis II - L.I. II. 1. 2C and Axis III –L.I. III. 3.1. A (n. 1078 of 07/08/2012 BUR n. 31 27/08/2012).