PhD Students (present)

Pietro Cassieri

Pietro Cassieri was born in Potenza (PZ), Italy, on 12/31/1998. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2021. He obtained his Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2023. His theses (Bachelor's and Master's ) focused on Mining Studies on Dead Code and Deprecated API. In 2023, he began a PhD at the University of Salerno under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello. His research is in the field of software engineering, with a focus on accessibility and security.

Daniele Bifolco

Daniele Bifolco was born in Sarno (SA), Italy, on March 2, 1997. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy, in November 2020, and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the same University, in July 2023. Daniele started his Ph.D. in Information Technologies for Engineering at the University of Sannio (Benevento), Italy, in December 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Massimiliano di Penta and Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello. The primary focus of his research is the Modeling and Management of Intellectual Property and Privacy in Artificial Intelligence Intensive software systems. His research interests include Mining Software Repositories, Empirical Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Security in software engineering.

Research collaborators 

Sabato Nocera

Sabato Nocera was born in Mercato San Severino, Italy, on April 25, 1998. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (110/110 cum laude) from the University of Salerno, Italy, in September 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Michele Risi. In September 2022, he received his Master's Degree in Computer Science (110/110 cum laude and special commendation by the commission) from the same university, under the supervision of Prof. Rita Francese, Prof. Simone Romano, and Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello. Sabato started his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Salerno in November 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Rita Francese and Prof. Simone Romano. His research interests are mainly in Empirical Software Engineering and involve Software Security and Software Supply Chain .

Past PhD Students (past)

Simone Romano

Simone Romano was born in Potenza, Italy, on 22nd December 1987. He received his master's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in October 2014 and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Salento, Italy, in July 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello. In September 2018, he joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bari as a postdoctoral research fellow and member of SERLAB, a research laboratory coordinated by Prof Danilo Caivano. On January 1st, 2022, Simone joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Salerno as an Assistant Professor (tenure track). He has served in the organisation and has been a program committee member of several international conferences and workshops. His research interests include: software refactoring, software testing, software maintenance, empirical software engineering, and human factors in software engineering.

Caulo Maria

She was born in Pisticci (MT), Italy, on 07/31/1990. She received a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Technology from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2014, and a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from the same University in 2017. She has been working at Apperò s.r.l. in 2016 and 2017 as a Software Designer and Developer of Mobile Apps. She currently is a PhD student in Software Engineering at the University of Basilicata (in consortium with the University of Salento), in particular at the BASE Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Scanniello. She mainly works in the fields of Mining Software Repositories, Software Fault Prediction, but she is also interested in the Migration of Mobile Apps and in Software Visualisation. 

Carmen Coviello

Carmen Coviello was born in Potenza, on 10/28/1990. She received her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2014. Her thesis project was on the parallel computing between CPU and GPU. In 2017 she received her Master's degree in Computer Engineering from the same university with a thesis project named "TRiKC: Test suite Reduction based on string Kernel and Clustering". Her research interests include Empirical Software Engineering and Software Testing. She is currently a Software Engineering PhD student in her last year under the supervision of Professor Giuseppe Scanniello at the University of Basilicata (BASE Lab).

Research Fellows (past)

Nicola Capece

Nicola Capece was born in Potenza, Italy, on 23/04/1987. He received the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2015.  In 2015 he joined the DiMIE Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica ed Economiaat the Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza (Italy) where he completed the PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Ugo Erra in 2019. In 2019 he joined the Scuola di Ingegneria at the Università degli Studi della Basilicata where is currently a Research Fellow (under the supervision of Prof Giuseppe Scanniello). He is also a member of Computer Graphics Lab at the University of Basilicata. From November 2017 to April 2018 (six months) he joined the VCG-Lab at the ISTI-CNRPisa for a visiting research period under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Scopigno.

Scholarships (past)

Anas Mounsif

Anas Mounsif was born in Potenza, Italy, on 10/23/1996. He received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2019. His research activities concern software testing and technology transfer. He worked on the research activities concerned to the project: NAV Fondi Aperti. More information can be found at 

Raffaele Branda

Raffaele Branda was born in Marsicovetere (PZ), Italy, on 12/18/1988. He received a Laurea degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Basilicata, Italy, in 2016. His research activities concern software testing and technology transfer. 

Antonella Roccia

Antonella Roccia was born in Foggia, Italy, on 12/03/1986. She received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Basilicata (Italy) under the supervision of Dr. Ugo Erra in 2014. Her study and research activities concern data analysis and integrated services. She was involved in the research activities concerned with the project OT4CLIMA.