Prof. Gopal C Kundu

Director, Research and Development

KIIT Demmed to be University (Institute of Eminence) 


Research Interests: Tumor Biology, Immuno-oncology, Regulation of Gene Expression, Targeted Drug Delivery & Development, Angiogenesis, Cancer Stem Cells, Chemical Biology and Nanotechnology

Current Lab Members

Mr. Venketesh K Panda, PhD Scholar (DST-INSPIRE JRF)

Mr. Venketesh Kumar Panda did his M.Sc. (Bioscience and Bioinformatics) degree from Khallikote University, Berhampur in 2021. His research is to target Macrophages subsets for cancer immunotherapy.

Ms. Barnalee Mishra, PhD Scholar

Ms. Barnalee Mishra did her M.Phil. (Botany) degree from Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur in 2019. She is investigating chemoresistance reversal in breast cancer through various bioactive compounds.

Ms. Diksha Malhotra

Research Officer (RO), Director R&D Office, KIIT DU

Ms Diksha Malhotra did her integrated M.Tech. degree in Biotechnology from KIIT University, Bhubaneswar in 2019. Her research interest is phyto-Nano based therapeutics for breast cancer.

Mr. Sinjan Khanra, PhD Scholar

Mr. Sinjan Khanra did his M.Sc. (Microbiology) degree from HNBG University, Uttarakhand in 2020. He is mainly involved in understanding the role of autophagy in breast cancer.

Mr. Sambhunath Majhi, PhD Scholar

Mr. Sambhunath Majhi did his M.Sc. (Human Genetics) degree from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab in 2020. His research is to study the immunomodulation in B-cell lymphoma.


Mr. Biswajit Swain, PhD Scholar

Mr. Biswajit Swain did his M.Sc. (Bioscience and Bioinformatics) degree from Khallikote University, Berhampur in 2022. He is working on effect of bioactive compounds in various cancers.

Ms. Kavita Kumari, PhD Scholar

Ms. Kavita Kumari completed her M.Sc. (Human Genetics) degree from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab in 2020. Her research is to dissect VEGF-independent angiogenic pathway in breast cancer.

Ms. Samikshya Mahapatra, PhD Scholar

Ms. Samikshya Mahapatra completed her Integrated M.Tech in Biotechnology degree from KIIT School of Biotechnology in the year 2018. She is mainly involved in understanding the role of autophagy in breast cancer.

MRs. Priyanka P Mishra, PhD Scholar 

Mrs. Priyanka completed her M.Sc. in Zoology degree from Utkal University in the year 2017. Her research interest is to target various subsets of CAFs in breast cancer. 


Ms. Angitha N Nath completed her master’s degree in biotechnology from Amrita School of Biotechnology in the year 2020. She is mainly involved in understanding the role of autophagy in breast cancer.

LAB Alumni

Dr. Amit Singh Yadav 

Associate Researcher 

Lund University, Sweden

Dr. NNV Radharani

Post Doctoral Researcher

Lund University, Sweden

Dr. Ramesh Butti

Post Doctoral Researcher

UT Southwestern medical Centre, Texas, USA

Dr. Nimma Ramakrishna

Post Doctoral Researcher

UT Southwestern medical Centre, Texas, USA


Celebration of Prof. Kundu's Birthday

At Absolute Barbeque (AB)