
Frequently Asked Questions.

Why Should I Participate in Process Community?

Community strengthens our commitments to constructive change and allows us to be a part of something greater than ourselves.

Our authority comes not from tradition but from a method where ideas are tested against not a part but the whole of experience.

We operate from a world view which creatively integrates science and religion into a comprehensive philosophy which we use as a tool to guide us in practical action.

Feeling lost in the whirlpool of life? Go from drift to direction. Understand the big picture, receive clarity, appreciate life's meanings, find purpose, grow personally, and enhance your relationships. Change your life, change the world.

What is Process Community?

We are the first church of a meta-religious position currently called Process Naturalism.

Based not on a religious book but on the living tradition of process philosophy which goes back to at least Heraclitus around 500 BC. Main proponents through history being Hume, Schelling, Nietzsche, Bergson, Pierce, James, Whitehead, Wieman and Deleuze.

What is a Meta-Religion?

Something that is meta is a larger perspective that includes smaller ones. A meta or process religious transcends and includes other religions through continual creative integration. There is Process Judaism, Process Christianity, Process Islam, Process Hinduism, Process Buddhism, etc. In order to communicate more effectively being based in America we currently lean towards Process Christianity, although we strive to focus on that which is beyond human culture, what we all have in common; nature.

What is Process Naturalism?

Process naturalism is a specific version of religious naturalism influenced by Henry Nelson Wieman and Alfred North Whitehead.

The focus is on commitment to the creative process in the universe through the practice of creative transformation and creative interchange.

"A religion is more than believing in a philosophy, theory , or idea. It is reacting to something in thinking, feeling, and action as though it is the greatest good such that all human life should be committed to."

What is Religious Naturalism?

A religious attitude towards nature. A naturalistic worldview that appreciates the values of being spiritual and also the value of participating in a religious community of others on their spiritual journey. Religious Naturalism is a perspective in between Traditional Theism and Secular Humanism. For those who are "spiritual but not religious", or intellectuals who want a religion that they can believe in without committing intellectual suicide.

What is Naturalism?

Naturalism is an affirmation that only the world of nature is real. That nature requires nothing beyond itself in order to exists. That we can understand nature without appeal to an intelligent mind, supernatural person or cosmic consciousness. That all causes can be explained to be natural being caused by other natural events. Meaning is found in the experiential events in this living world.

Where can I get more answers?

To learn the core principles of Process Philosophy and to get a peek at Process Theology check out our Belief page.

For suggested videos to watch or books to read check out the Learn page.

Any more questions check out the Connect page and talk to a Process Leader.

Creative Transformation

(Described in Practical Steps)

  1. Feeling the dissatisfaction of your life.
  2. Awareness of future possibilities.
  3. Accept what you can't change.
  4. Recognize your need for change.
  5. Believe that you can change.
  6. Commit to Creativity in your actions.
  7. Make a personal inventory of your past actions, current habits, and future goals.
  8. Admit what you are struggling with.
  9. Prioritize your goals.
  10. Remove distractions.
  11. Focus on your new habits.
  12. Record progress and failures.
  13. Report weekly to Process Community
  14. Continually engage in the Creative Process of Transformation and Interchange

What is Creative Interchange?

(Described in phases.)

  1. Appreciatively understanding the unique perspectives of the others.
  2. Integrating those perspectives with your own.
  3. Consequently expanding your perspective.
  4. Consequently widening and deepening of community with others.