Ways to help

There are many ways to help us:

Become a Member of Proaniplan for only €6 per month

Please fill out the form found on: https://sites.google.com/view/proaniplan/castellano/hazte-socio

Donations are wellcome

Bank Account Number: 2038 8937 8260 0015 2590 Bankia, Spain

Become a Teamer by contributing €1 per month


Donations in the form of cat food, blankets, towels, litter sand and baby pens will be highly appreciated

You can deliver them to the Vet Center: Centre Veterinari El Castell, Torras i Bages 12, local 3, 08860 Castelldefels

Join our Volunteers teams

  • As a cordinator or feeder of a protected cat colony in your neighbourghood
  • Animals rescue brigade
  • Become a short term Home provider or adopt an animal
  • Support us with Legal Advice

Send us an email to proaniplanprotectora@gmail.com, informing us which team(s) you would like to support. A group coordinator will contact you in due course.