Our Goals

The objectives of Proaniplan are the following*:

  1. To create a provisional shelter in the short term for abandoned domestic cats and other animals
  2. To create a permanent shelter for abandoned domestic cats and other animals
  3. To create an animal adoption center linked to the shelter
  4. To rescue abandoned animals*
  5. To take care of cat colonies:
  • Extending to all neighbourhoods within the Castelldefels area
  • Obtaining support from the city's adminitration in supplying food for the cat colonies. To date the feeding programmes have been sponsored throght the personal efforts and monetery contributions by volunteers.
  • Legal ID cards for all feeders

6. Receiving a commitment from the Castelldefels municipality in support of the Feline Manifest: http://manifiestofelino.blogspot.de/2015/04/manifesto-felino.html.

7. Actuate the much needed update of the Ordenanza Municipal de Tenencia de Animales of 2002.

8. Motivate and support the training of the Urban Police and/ or local Police in animal related matters.

9. Urge legal proceedings against individuals for missconduct toward animals.

10. Promote Castelldefels as an Animals friendly City.

11. Information broshures to be available to Citizen for information relating to animal rights, abandonment, responsible adoption and animal cruelty.

12. Creating a dog friendly section on the Castelldefels' beach.

*NOTE: a private company known as HelpGuau, has been commissioned by the City Council of Castelldefels to rescue stray dogs in Castelldefels and transfer them to their center for abandonned dogs located in Argentona.