Privacy Policy for the ChatMixer app  


Last Updated: December 31, 2023 


Support email address:



1. General provisions  


This Privacy Policy describes how the ChatMixer application processes your personal data. We respect your privacy and ensure the protection of your personal data.





2. Contact export and SMS sending  


This application requires access to your contacts so you can perform contact export operations. All actions with contacts occur only on this device, and contact export to other devices is possible only with your explicit permission.





3. Security  


We employ reasonable security measures to protect your data within the application. However, please note that we cannot guarantee absolute security of the information on your device.



4. Changes to the privacy policy  


We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. The latest version is always available in the app.



5. Contact information  


For any questions or requests related to your data or privacy policy, please contact our support service at:
