Privacy Policy for CleanAppPro Application

Last Updated: December 31, 2023

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1. General Provisions

This Privacy Policy describes how the CleanAppPro application processes your personal data, such as contacts in your phone. We respect your privacy and ensure the protection of your personal information.

2. Collection and Use of Information

The CleanAppPro application does not collect personal information from your device and does not require internet access. All data processed within the application is stored and remains on your device.

3. Contact Management

CCleaner provides functions for organizing contacts, exporting them in various formats, and local transmission between devices. All these operations are conducted exclusively on your device, and no data is transmitted to third parties or the developer.

4. Security

We apply reasonable security measures to protect your data within the application. However, please note that we cannot guarantee the absolute security of the information on your device.

5. Changes to Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. The latest version is always available in the application.

6. Contact Access Management

Access Management: You can control your device's access to contacts through the application settings. Please note that we do not have access to your contacts. All information remains locally on your device and is not transmitted to us or third parties.

7. Contact Information

For any questions or requests related to your data or privacy policy, please contact our support team at: