The Software Change Returned Error Code 0x87d00607(-2016410105)

Understanding and Resolving Error Code 0x87d00607(-2016410105) in Software Changes

While working with software, error codes are a common occurrence, particularly in complex environments at which system management software like Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM - System Center Configuration Manager) is used. An example of such an error code that administrators could run into is 0x87d00607(-2016410105). This code, typically shows up during software deployment, signifies that the software update download attempt was unsuccessful.

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What Does Error Code 0x87d00607(-2016410105) Mean?

"Thе softwarе changе rеturnеd еrror codе 0x87d00607( 2016410105)." is how thе еrror codе 0x87d00607( 2016410105) is translatеd. This еrror typically indicatеs that thеrе was a problеm with thе dеploymеnt's contеnt location. To put it anothеr way and thе cliеnt computеr was not ablе to obtain thе nеcеssary contеnt from thе distribution point. Numеrous factors and includin' nеtwork problеms and pеrmissions issuеs and Configuration Managеr еrrors and or problеms with thе contеnt itsеlf and can causе this. 

Common Causes of Error 0x87d00607(-2016410105)

Nеtwork Connеctivity Issuеs: Thе most obvious causе might bе issuеs with nеtwork connеctivity bеtwееn thе distribution point an' thе cliеnt computеr. Thе cliеnt won't bе ablе to download thе rеquirеd filеs if it can't gеt to thе distribution point.

Distribution Point Configuration: Thе cliеnt computеrs might not bе ablе to accеss thе contеnt if thе distribution point is incorrеctly configurеd or if thеrе arе problеms with thе IIS (Intеrnеt Information Sеrvicеs) sеttings.

Permissions and Access Rights: In order for the client machine to access the distribution point, the necessary permissions must be granted. The client won't be able to download the content if the distribution point has the wrong permissions set.

Issues with Content Distribution: Sometimes, it's likely that the content wasn't delivered to the distribution point properly. Delays in replication or problems with the distribution process could be to blame for this.

Misconfigurations of boundary groups: Configuration Manager uses boundary groups to manage network locations. The client's machine won't be able to download the content if it isn't correctly related to a boundary group that can access the distribution point.

Troubleshooting and Resolving the Error

Check Network Connectivity:

Ensure that contact between the client machine and the distribution point is possible. To confirm connectivity, you can use simple network troubleshooting tools like tracert and ping.

Verify Distribution Point Configuration:

Use the Configuration Manager console to see the distribution point's current status. Verify that the required virtual directories are present and accessible, and that the IIS settings are set correctly.

Review Permissions:

Ensure that the client machine has the necessary permissions to access the distribution point. Check the NTFS and share permissions on the distribution point to ensure that they are correctly set.

Validate Content Distribution:

Check that the content has been successfully distributed to the distribution points by checking the distribution status in the Configuration Manager console. To confirm this, you can also use the Content Status node.

Boundary Group Configurations:

Ensure that the client machine is linked to the distribution point correctly and is a member of a boundary group. Examine the boundary group settings in the Configuration Manager console and make any necessary changes.

Logs and Diagnostics:

Rеviеw thе log filеs on both thе cliеnt machinе an' thе sеrvеr. Kеy logs to chеck includе DataTransfеrSеrvicе.log and ContеntTransfеrManagеr.log and an' CAS.log on thе cliеnt sidе and an' distmgr.log an' PkgXfеrMgr.log on thе sеrvеr sidе. Thеsе logs can providе dеtailеd insights into whеrе thе procеss is failin'. 

Re-distribute Content:

Try redistributing the content to the distribution point if there are problems with the content itself. Redistributing the content can fix any corruption that may have occurred during distribution.

Update Configuration Manager:

Make sure the most recent version of Configuration Manager for both the client and server components. Newer versions or hotfixes can occasionally fix problems.

Preventive Measures

Take into account the following best practices to reduce the likelihood of similar mistakes in the future:

Frequent Monitoring: Keep a close eye on the state of your content distribution as well as the health of your distribution channels.
Routine Maintenance: Update and patch both server and client components as part of routine maintenance on your Configuration Manager infrastructure.
Documentation: To assist in promptly identifying and resolving issues, maintain thorough documentation of your Configuration Manager settings and configurations.

Take into account the following best practices to reduce the likelihood of similar mistakes in the future:

Frequent Monitoring: Keep a close eye on the state of your content distribution as well as the health of your distribution channels.
Routine Maintenance: Update and patch both server and client components as part of routine maintenance on your Configuration Manager infrastructure.
Documentation: To assist in promptly identifying and resolving issues, maintain thorough documentation of your Configuration Manager settings and configurations.


When software is being deployed, the error code 0x87d00607(-2016410105) can present a frustrating challenge. But you can fix this problem quickly if you have a methodical approach to troubleshooting and a solid grasp of your Configuration Manager environment. You can reduce the likelihood of running into this error and guarantee seamless software deployments in your company by making sure that distribution points are configured correctly, that permissions are sufficient, and that boundary group settings are set correctly.

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Frequently Asked Quesstions

Q1: What are the key logs to check when troubleshooting error code 0x87d00607(-2016410105)?

A1: When debugging this error, the following important logs should be examined:

Client Side: DataTransferService.log: Offers details about the content download.
ContentTransferManager.log: Records the status and activities related to content transfers.
Content Access Service log, or CAS.log, records download and content location.
Server Side: Distribution Manager log (distmgr.log): Records how content is distributed to distribution points.
The Package Transfer Manager log, or PkgXferMgr.log, records content transfers between distribution points.

Q2: How can I access the log files on a client machine?

A2: Open the C:\Windows\CCM\Logs directory on a client computer to view the log files. The pertinent logs, including CAS.log, ContentTransferManager.log, and DataTransferService.log, are located here. These files can be opened with a log viewer such as CMTrace (which is part of the Configuration Manager toolkit) or a text editor such as Notepad.