How do I restore files from a Cobian Backup?

 How to Restore Files from a Cobian Backup

Cobian Backup is a popular free backup software that enables users to create backups of their files and directories to various destinations like local drives, network drives, or even FTP servers. Restoring files from a Cobian Backup is generally straightforward, but understanding the nuances of the process ensures data integrity and recovery success. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to restore files from a Cobian Backup.

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Understanding Cobian Backup Basics

Before diving into the restoration process, it's essential to understand how Cobian Backup organizes and stores backup data:

1. Backup Types: Cobian Backup supports Full, Incremental, and Differential backups.
Full Backup: A complete copy of the specified files.
Incremental Backup: Backs up only the files that have changed since the last backup.
Differential Backup: Backs up files that have changed since the last full backup.

2. Backup Location: Cobian saves backups to a predefined destination, which could be a local folder, external drive, or remote location.

3. File Structure: Backup files may be compressed or encrypted based on the configuration.

Restoration Process

Here's a step-by-step guide to restoring files from Cobian Backup:

Step 1: Locate the Backup

First, identify the location where Cobian Backup has saved your files. This could be a local directory, network location, or FTP server. The backup files might be organized in folders named by the date or name of the backup job.

1. Open Cobian Backup: Launch the Cobian Backup software.
2. Backup Log: Check the backup log for details about the backup location. The log can be accessed through the 'Log Files' tab within Cobian Backup.

Step 2: Understand the Backup File Format

Determine the format of your backup files:

Plain Files: If your backups are saved as plain files, they will be directly visible in the backup folder.
Compressed Files: If the files are compressed (e.g., .zip), you will need an archive tool to extract them.
Encrypted Files: If encryption was used, Cobian will prompt you for a password during the restore process.

Step 3: Manual Restoration

You can manually restore files without using Cobian Backup by copying them from the backup location to the desired destination. This method is useful if you are dealing with uncompressed and unencrypted files.

1. Navigate to Backup Folder: Use File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) to navigate to the backup location.
2. Copy Files: Select the files or folders you want to restore and copy them to your desired destination.

Step 4: Restoration Using Cobian Backup

For a more streamlined approach, especially when dealing with compressed or encrypted backups, you can use Cobian Backup's restore function:

1. Open Cobian Backup: Launch Cobian Backup.
2.Select Restore: Click on the 'Tools' menu and select 'Decompress and Restore…' or 'Restore Files…'
3. Choose Backup File: Browse to the location of your backup files. If the files are compressed or encrypted, provide the necessary password or select the archive format.
4. Select Destination: Choose the destination folder where you want the restored files to be saved.
5. Start Restoration: Click on the 'Restore' button. Cobian will extract the files and place them in the chosen destination.

Step 5: Verify Restoration

After the restoration process is complete, it's crucial to verify the integrity of the restored files:

1. Check File Size and Structure: Ensure the restored files have the expected size and directory structure.
2. Open Files: Open a few of the restored files to check that they are not corrupted and can be accessed as expected.
3. Permissions: Verify that the file permissions are intact, especially if the files were restored to a different location or computer.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

File Corruption: If restored files appear corrupted, it might be due to issues with the original backup or during the restoration process. Try restoring again or using a different tool to extract files.
Missing Files: Ensure that all increments of the backup are available and correctly aligned. If using incremental backups, missing intermediate backups can result in missing files during restoration.
Password Errors: Double-check the encryption password if the files were encrypted. Incorrect passwords will prevent successful decryption.


Restoring files from a Cobian Backup involves understanding the backup structure, locating the backup files, and using either manual or Cobian Backup tools for restoration. Ensuring data integrity through verification is critical to a successful restoration process. With this guide, you should be able to navigate the restoration process efficiently and recover your essential data with confidence.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What is Cobian Backup?

Cobian Backup is a free backup software that allows you to back up files and directories to local, external, or network drives, and even FTP servers. It supports various backup types, including full, incremental, and differential backups.

2. How do I locate my Cobian Backup files?

To locate your backup files:

3. How can I restore my files using Cobian Backup?

To restore files using Cobian Backup: