Publicaciones y participaciones en congresos

Presentaciones en conferencias

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Poster presentation. 9th International Symposium on Data Assimilation (ISDA 2023), 16-20 October, Bologna, Italy.

Vidal,L., 2023: PREVENIR: Pronóstico y alerta de eventos de inundaciones urbanas repentinas. Oral presentation. VII Simposio sobre Métodos Experimentales en Hidráulica, Hidrología e Hidrometeorología (ME3H), 4-6 October, Córdoba, Argentina.

Amemiya, A. et al., 2023: A short-range data assimilation and numerical weather prediction system using the LETKF for urban areas in Argentina. Oral presentation. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models (NHM-WS 2023), 31 August - 2 September, Sapporo, Japan. Proceeding Access

Maldonado, P. et al., 2023: Assimilation of C-Band radar data using the SCALE-LETKF system: A supercell case study during the RELAMPAGO field campaign. Oral presentation. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models (NHM-WS 2023), 31 August - 2 September, Sapporo, Japan.  Proceeding Access

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Oral presentation. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models (NHM-WS 2023), 31 August - 2 September, Sapporo, Japan.  Proceeding Access

López, S. et al., 2023: Numerical Weather Prediction performance assessment using a distributed hydrological model. Oral presentation. The 6th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models (NHM-WS 2023), 31 August - 2 September, Sapporo, Japan.  Proceeding Access

Kitahara, D. et al., 2023: Experiments on WLAN Interference Reduction by Dynamic Frequency Selection at C-Band Weather Radar in Ezeiza. Poster presentation. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August–01 September, Minneapolis, USA.

Kitahara, D. et al., 2023: KDP Estimation Based on Spline Smoothing with the Self-Consistency Principle. Poster presentation. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August–01 September, Minneapolis, USA.

D’Amen, D. et al., 2023: Desarrollo de actividades territoriales y de comunicación para la conformación de un sistema de alerta temprana frente a inundaciones repentinas en la cuenca del Río Suquía (Córdoba) y la cuenca Sarandí-Santo Domingo (Buenos Aires). Oral presentation. XXVII Congreso Argentino del Agua (CONAGUA 2023), 28-30 August, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

D'Amen, D. et al., 2024: Towards a collaborative development of a flash flood early warning system: Insights from the PREVENIR Project in two pilot basins of Argentina, Weather & Society Conference, 26 February - 1 March 2024, Online. Proceeding Access

Lagos, M. et al., 2023: Pronóstico en tiempo real de inundaciones repentinas en la cuenca Sarandí-Santo Domingo, provincia de Buenos Aires. Oral presentation. XXVII Congreso Argentino del Agua (CONAGUA 2023), 28-30 August, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Saulo, C. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Proyecto de cooperación para el desarrollo de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana de inundaciones urbanas. Oral presentation. XXVII Congreso Argentino del Agua (CONAGUA 2023), 28-30 August, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

López, S. et al., 2023: Distributed Hydrological Modeling of Suquía’s Basin, for Flood Warning System. Oral presentation. 40th IAHR World Congress, 21-25 August, Vienna, Austria. 

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Oral presentation. 20th AOGS Annual Meeting, 30 July - 4 August, Singapore.

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Oral presentation. 28th IUGG General Assembly, 11-20 July, Berlin, Germany.

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Oral presentation. Japanese Geophysical Union Meeting, 21-26 May, Chiba, Japan.

Miyoshi, T. et al., 2023: PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention. Oral presentation. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28  April, Vienna, Austria. 

Arruti, A., Y. García Skabar, J. Ruiz, and L. Vidal, 2022: Nowcasting based on radar data extrapolation. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Arruti, A. et al., 2022: Radar Quality Control Implementation and Validation. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Corrales, P. et al., 2022: Hourly data assimilation of conventional and satellite observations: a case study during RELAMPAGO field campaign. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Corrales, P. et al., 2022: Mesoscale Clear Sky Assimilation of GOES-16 radiances using GSI-LETKF-WRF. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

D'Amen, D. et al., 2022: Planning and Development of Impact Based Warnings at the National Meteorological Service of Argentina. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

D'Amen, D. et al., 2024: Towards a collaborative development of a flash flood early warning system: Insights from the PREVENIR Project in two pilot basins of Argentina, Weather & Society Conference, 26 February - 1 March 2024, Online. Proceeding Access

Gonzalez, S. et al., 2022: Satellite based precipitation estimation using deep neural networks. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November 7-11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Hobouchian, M.P. et al., 2022: Validation and calibration of satellite based daily precipitation estimates. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Maldonado, P. et al., 2022: Calibration of the Data Assimilation system at the National Meteorological Service of Argentina. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Maldonado, P. et al., 2022: Convective-scale radar data assimilation, a case study during RELAMPAGO field campaign. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Matsudo, C. et al., 2022: Operational Forecast and Data Assimilation System at the National Meteorological Service of Argentina. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Lohigorry, P. et al., 2022: Characterization of heavy precipitation events associated to the warm rain process in Buenos Aires City. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Righetti, S. et al., 2022: Calibration of daily precipitation at the National Meteorological Service. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November 7-11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Rugna, M. et al., 2022: Methodology for the differential reflectivity bias estimation in SINARAME weather radars. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November 7-11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Sacco, M. et al., 2022: Quantifying numerical forecast uncertainty using neural networks. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access

Yañez, D. et al., 2022: Validation of Probabilistic Precipitation forecast generated with the Data Assimilation System at the National Meteorological Service of Argentina. XIV Meeting of the Argentinean Meteorological Society, 7-11 November 7-11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceeding Access