
Call for papers

El congreso invita a los investigadores a presentar sus trabajos en torno a las siguientes líneas temáticas:

The congress invites researchers to present their work on the following thematic lines:

Aprendizaje de ELE y pragmática interlingüística:

Pragmalinguistic competence in a foreign language.

Aspects of intercultural pragmatics and contact between Spanish and other foreign languages.

Morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of Spanish as a foreign language.

External and internal factors that account for how learners learn an L2/L3.

Cross-linguistic influence and language transfer.

Cohesión discursiva y operadores pragmáticos:

Discourse markers: methodologies of analysis.

Processes of grammaticalization / pragmaticalisation of discourse operators

 Referential mechanisms in Spanish.

Sociopragmatic aspects of the mechanisms of verbal politeness and discourtesy in Spanish.

  Applications to SFL learning and teaching.

Los idiomas del congreso son español e inglés. Cada ponente dispone de 20 minutos de presentación. Se prevé un tiempo de debate y preguntas al final de cada sesión.


Les invitamos a presentar sus resúmenes que no deben exceder las 500 palabras (referencias no incluidas). Conviene mencionar principal(es) pregunta(s) de investigación, metodología, y – si aplica – datos y resultados obtenidos/previstos. Las referencias/fuentes bibliográficas principales deben incluirse por separado en el espacio previsto para ello en el formulario.

Fechas importantes 


The languages of the conference are English and Spanish. All speakers are assigned 20 minutes for their communication. Additional time is allotted for discussion and questions at the end of each session.

We invite you to submit your abstracts, adhering to a maximum word count of 500 words (excluding references). Kindly ensure that your abstract includes your main research questions, methodology, and expected/obtained results (if applicable). Please fill in the references or primary bibliographic sources separately in the designated space provided in the Google Form.

Important dates