Multi-scale Integrated Modeling
Whole-device modeling, at its heart, is multiscale, integrated modeling. There are very few laboratory plasmas that are not characterized by an extraordinary range of spatio-temporal scales, very often best described with distinct physics models that must be integrated. Sometimes this integration happens within a single code or namespace, but there are also prominent examples of distinct modules which were once stand-alone simulation codes, now coupled together within a single simulation or optimization loop. PPPL has active teams engaged in whole-device modeling of tokamaks (especially transport and MHD), stellarators (especially optimization), open configurations (such as magnetic mirrors), and low-temperature plasma reactors that are used to etch the smallest features on modern semiconductor components.
Code integration resources
AToM Advanced Tokamak Modeling Environment
CorFu Coderunner Fusion Optimisation Framework
IMAS/IDS Integrated Modeling and Analysis Suite/Interface Data Structure
NTCC National Transport Code Collaboration (includes EZcdf, IFS/PPPL, JSOLVER, PEDESTAL, PSPLINE)
PPPL Plasma State Shared repository for time-evolving plasma simulation data
Group (Associated MIM/CSD staff)
General Atomics Theory group
GS2 group UKAEA, University of York, University of Oxford (Dorland)
Landreman's stellarator group at the University of Maryland (Dorland)
Simons Foundation Hidden Symmetries project
Developer resources
CI/CD with GitLab CI and GitHub Actions
Containerization with Docker and Singularity
f2py Make Fortran callable from python
GitFlow Git branching model with SemVer
Strategies for Legacy Codes Encapsulate, modularize, rewrite