November 2021


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Session Recordings

Main Session Slides
(including Boston Prep presentation)

PoG Nov 10 Convening Slides (Main Session)

Berkshires Presentation

Barr/TLA Nov 10th Session Slides

Berkshires Criteria for Success Tool

PoG Criteria for Success (Signature Experience) - MASTER

NGLC Presentation

Copy of TLA/NGLC Nov 10: Portrait to Practice


Note Catcher for
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
(Visualizing Public Health Project)

Exemplar Project Digital Scrapbook: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Note Catcher for
(Exoplanet Enterprises Project)

Exemplar Project Digital Scrapbook: Communication

Team Planning Template

Portrait of a Graduate Cohort: Portrait-Aligned Learning Principles (Master)

Closing Session Jamboard


In this session, we will continue our deeper dive into the work of unpacking your Portrait competencies and preparing to operationalize these in your schools. In addition to peer spotlights from Berkshires and Boston Prep, we’re thrilled that NGLC will be with us again to continue our dialogue from the Summer Series. This time we’ll take a closer look at the last key component of their report, Activating a Graduate Profile: From Planning to Practice: Eight Lessons from Schools and Districts, with a focus on re-envisioning student learning experiences in ways that will bring your Portrait competencies to life in your classrooms.

Session Goals

  • Recognize that new learner competencies require new designs for learning

  • Explore exemplars for the journey from portrait to learner experience using two high-frequency PoG competencies

  • Begin the work of identifying systems and structures that have the potential to support or hinder realization of a new instructional vision

  • Understand that in order to provide coherence and begin to consider scale, educators need shared principles to guide learning design

Target Audience

The session is intended for core facilitators plus building and district-level instructional leaders with influence over school and/or classroom level teaching and learning. Please share this with the appropriate members of your extended working team and ask folks to register for the session using this link. Our goal is for each community to bring at least one additional community member who would benefit from this experience.


8:00 p.m.
(25 min)

Welcome Remarks, Setting the Stage

8:25 a.m.
(20 min)

Key Findings/Peer Spotlight

8:45 a.m.
(120 min)

NGLC - Re-Envisioning the Student Experience

10:45 a.m.
(15 min)

Closing Remarks and Next Steps

11:00 a.m.



In the session, we will examine student learning experiences aligned to one of two high-frequency competencies from your Portraits: Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving and Communication.

  1. Please review the exemplar projects below (estimated total time: 15-20 minutes). To make the most of our time for learning and discussion with peers, familiarize yourself with each project with a focus on:

a. What intentional content decisions have been made within this project and how do these align with the specified competency?

b. Where do you see opportunities for students to learn, practice, get feedback, and improve their knowledge and skills in the target Portrait competency?

c. What do learners do or produce in this project to demonstrate their learning? What content knowledge and skills related to the target Portrait competency are evident?

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Project: Visualizing Public Health

Communication-focused Project: Exoplanet Enterprises

  1. Prior to the session, please consider if your team wants to focus on one or both of these competencies and be prepared to have your team members select the appropriate breakout session/s at the convening.