Exhibit 4

Curious Kitten


  • Contrast was not important for this project, as it is important that the kitten blends in and looks like it is apart of the background. Tweaking the hue and saturation was done to try and match the color of the outdoors.

  • The proximity of the placement of the kitten, along with drop shadows to show where the kitten is standing in the tree.

Photoshop Skills Used:

  • Masking tool used to select the kitten using the brush tool, and then the refining brush edge tool to get the fur.

  • I chose to transform this image withto fit the way I wanted it too. In hindsight, making it a smart object would have been beneficial as to not loose the integrity of the pixels. I added hue and lightness and lowered the saturation to the desired color.

  • The color stamp tool was used to remove the plant that the kitten was playing with in the original photo.



I enjoy the innocence and curiosity that kittens have about their surroundings. I chose to take a kitten out of another image and input it into another environment where it was continuing with it's curiosity and exploring.