Letter of Recommendation


When you apply to colleges and many scholarships, you will usually be expected to submit an application, a personal statement of some sort, a transcript, and a letter of recommendation.

If you need a letter of recommendation for your college application or scholarship program, complete the packet below and give it to your counselor by the due date.

  • Because the information you provide will be used by your counselor to illustrate your most salient characteristics, you need to fill out the packet completely. Remember to be mindful.

  • People who write letters need at least a two week notice. A late request will result in either a hastily written letter or no letter. All completed letter of rec packets are due by the end of October (Regardless of college/university deadlines). Preferably sooner.

  • Letters will be written in the order in which the completed packets are received. Consider the time and effort that your teachers and counselors are putting into your letter. A thank you is always a nice gesture.