Devil's Wreath


The eerie, dark cave complex is said to be haunted. From here you can get to the Topaz Desert or Route 18.


  • How to become a gem collector?


  • Moon Ball

  • Hyper Potion

  • Rare Candy

  • Max Ether (Rock Smash)

  • Blue Shard

  • Star Dust

  • Star Piece

  • Max Repel

  • Dusk Stone (Rock Smash)

  • Shiny Stone (Rock Smash)

  • Ever Stone

  • Kings Rock

  • Magmarizer (Rock Smash)

  • Razor Fang (Rock Smash)

  • Black Glasses (Rock Smash)

  • TM65 Shadow Claw (Rock Smash)

  • TM78 Bulldoze

  • TM97 Dark Pulse (Rock Smash)

  • Amethyst Nugget (quest item, Rock Smash)
