Side Quests

Side Quest List

The lost doll!

Quest: The little girl lost her doll on Route 1. Find it and bring it back to her!
Solution: The doll is located in the west of Route 1.
Reward: Lemonade, Lava Cookie

10 Pokédex Entrys

Quest: Professor Spruce's assistant has a gift for you if you catch more than 10 different Pokémon! Go to the tall grass and fill your Pokédex!
Solution: Catch 10 different Pokémon.
Reward: Lure Ball, Heavy Ball, Moon Ball

The Pig Monkey!

Quest: A Boy from Titania City wants to see a real Mankey. Catch one and show it to him!
Solution: Mankey can be found on Route 3.
Reward: Quick Claw

Pokémon Expert!

Quest: A Blackbelt from the Titania City library has asked you to return to him once you have gained some combat experience. That sounds like a reward! Maybe a Pokémon Gym Badge will convince him?
Solution: Come back as soon as you receive your first gym badge.
Reward: Expert Belt

Gym challenge warmup

Quest: A Cooltrainer from Titania City has challenged you to a Pokémon battle. Face the Pokémon battle as soon as you feel ready. Supposedly, there's even a reward if you're victorious!
Solution: Defeat the Cooltrainer in a double battle.
Reward: TM45 Attract

Mysterious from Amberdale

Quest: For some time now, items have been disappearing from homes in Amberdale. A dark figure is said to have something to do with it. Search for her in         Amberdale and find out what it's all about!
Solution: Capture Travis the Thief. He is located first in the southeast, then in the northwest and then in the east of Amberdale.
Reward: Silk Scarf


Quest: A vendor from the Amberdale Berry Store needs gold honey from the Emerald Forest to make regular honey for sale. Go to the Emerald Forest and find the Goldhoney to get a special gift!
Solution: The Goldhoney is centrally located at the Honey Tree in Emerald Forest. Defeat Vespiqueen and get the honey.
Reward: Berry Pots

Witching Hour on Route 8

Quest: Strange, eerie sounds are said to be heard at night, resembling a bell. Find out what's behind the mystery and give the girl from the Pokémon Market her restful sleep again!
Solution: Visit Route 8 at night and defeat Chimecho.
Reward: TM44 Rest

Wool for the wealth!

Quest: The girl from Lyditia's bike store has a bike coupon that she doesn't really want. In exchange for some Mareep wool she would give it to you. Find the wool and trade it!
Solution: Rescue the Mareep from Copper Canyon. At the Mareep Farm, the farmer will give you the Mareep Wool for the girl from the Bike Store.
Reward: Bike Coupon

Full Power!

Quest: The Black Belt on Route 10 advises you to carry a full team of six Pokémon. Show him your full team to show him that you are ready for any challenge!
Solution: Have a Pokémon Team consisting of six Pokémon with an average level of 20.
Reward: Macho Brace

Canyon flowers

Quest: The old woman from Marble Town told you about her passion for flowers from Copper Canyon. Since she is too old herself, she asked you to pick some of the flowers. Do the old woman a favor!
Solution: Copper Canyon is home to three of the Copper blossoms.
Reward: Wide Lens

Fountain treasure!

Quest: You met a very obliging man in Marmor Town who told you about a treasure at the bottom of the town's well. And he even lets you go ahead to look for it! Nice that there are still such nice people. Don't waste time and find the treasure!
Solution: Do what the man says to you. What could go wrong?
Reward: Potion

A volatile Pokémon

Quest: The adventurous Pokémon of the Pokémon Day Care's boarding house manager likes to take his life into his own hands and often takes flight from his owner. Find it and bring it back to him. Supposedly, it doesn't run far most of the time.
Solution: Munchlax must be found several times on Route 6. Finally, it escapes to the Fontain Bottom in Marmor Town.
Reward: Pokémon Day Care access

Shy electric squirrel

Quest: The young girl on Route 6 would like to see a pachirisu. Unfortunately, these Pokémon are very shy and hard to find in the wild. Supposedly, they can be attracted to a honey tree with the help of some honey. Try your luck and show the girl a Pachirisu!
Solution: A Pachirisu can be found at a honey tree or on Route 31.
Reward: Thunder Stone

Malfunction in the power plant!

Quest: Amberdale Power Plant has been experiencing strange disturbances in the power grid recently. Something seems to be messing up the transformers at the substation. Help Patricia defuse the situation and see what's causing the disturbances!
Solution: There is a rotome in the basement of the Amberdale Power Plant that is interfering with the facility. Defeat it to calm down the situation.
Reward: TM72 Volt Switch

Berry delivery

Quest: The blonde girl from the marketplace in Granitedeep City needs two Cheri Berries to make a Red Shard. Give her some of yours and help her out.
Solution: Cheri Berrys can be found on Route 2, or obtained randomly daily at the Titania City Marketplace.
Reward: Lansat Berry (Figthers Heart), Micle Berry (Expert), Custap Berry (Explorer)

Fresh from the juicer!

Quest: A girl on the beach in Granitedeep City has a craving for a company-squeezed Berry Juice. Give her one and make her happy with it. Maybe you'll get a gift in return?
Solution: Get a Berry Juice in Amberdale from the crafter at the Berry Store.
Reward: Big Pearl

30 Pokédex Entrys

Quest: Professor Spruce's assistant has a gift for you if you catch more than 30 different Pokémon! Go to the tall grass and fill your Pokédex!
Solution: Catch 30 different Pokémon.
Reward: Exp Share

Hopeless geniuses

Quest: The two computer nerds Dippsy and Doosy apparently wanted to improve the Pokémon storage system with a newly purchased processor. Unfortunately, one of them gambled away the processor in a bet in the Granitedeep City warehouses. See if you can recover the component!
Solution: In the northeast of Granitedeep City are the warehouses. There the Processor can be retrieved after a few battles.
Reward: Coin Case

Giant of the seas

Quest: The middle one of the three Fishing brothers, Alois, asked you to show him the biggest Magikarp you could catch. Bring him your most magnificent specimen of the splashing Pokémon to receive an award!
Solution: A Magikarp can be caught with the Old Rod.
Reward: Good Rod

Save the oceans!

Quest: Granitedeep City's Environmental Center seeks to protect the environment around the city. This includes the beach, where trash is often carelessly discarded. Collect the trash around Granitedeep City and Route 11 and bring a full trash bag to the environmental center to get a small reward.
Solution: There are two pieces of trash in Granitedeep City and three pieces of trash on Route 11 each on the beach.
Reward: Swinub, Snorunt, Snover

Stolen and found

Quest: The thief Travis has stolen a rare Pokéblock set on his tour through Granitedeep City. You were able to get it back, but you still don't know who the stolen box belongs to. Find the person in Granitedeep City who is missing their Pokéblock Set!
Solution: After being spotted next to the Granitedeep Mall, Travis hides out in the western part of the city's beach. He then escapes to some containers at the port of Granitedeep City. After you defeat him, you get the Pokébar Set, which you can give to a lady on the bench next to the houses with the green roofs.
Reward: Odd Incense


Quest: A girl from Granitedeep City is having trouble delivering her letter to her pen pal from Coral Town. Play the letter carrier and deliver the letter to the other girl!
Solution: Deliver the letter to the girl's friend in Coral Town.
Reward: Water Stone

Penpals... again

Quest: After dropping off the pen pal letter in Coral Town, the girl living here now asks you to deliver a gift to her friend in Granitedeep City. Let's hope that your delivery service career ends with this order!
Solution: Deliver the casket to the girl's friend in Coral Town.
Reward: TM77 Water Pulse

A closed Pokémon

Quest: The old marine biologist from Granitedeep City Deep Sea Worlds has offered to tell you more about the Pokémon Clamperl once you show him one. Grab your fishing rod and try to lure one from the ocean floor to the surface!
Solution: Clamperl can be caught using the Good Rod and Super Rod on Routes 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19 and 20.
Reward: Deep Sea Tooth, Deep Sea Scale

Colorful coral

Quest: A Sailor from Coral Town's Pokémon Center raved about the look of Corsola after his last ferry ride. Show him a Corsola to give him a closer look.
Solution: Corsola can be caught in the M.S. Sabrina, or on Routes 18 and 20 with the help of a Super Rod.
Reward: Shoal Salt

Zigzag Nuts!

Quest: The bartender at Coralbay Bar has run out of special coconuts, called Zigzag Nuts, which he needs to make the house drink. Go to Route 16 and try to find a nut!
Solution: The Zigzag Nut can be found on the island between the two suspension bridges. Defeat Heracross and get the item.
Reward: Coco Booster

Nerve food for the student

Quest: A screwed-up student failed to start his master's thesis on time and is now behind schedule. He wants to make up the deficit by consuming a Coco Booster. Get such a miracle drink and help him get his master's degree!
Solution: Give him the Coco Booster you got from the Zigzag Nut quest.
Reward: Shoal Shell

Mysterious attacks in the Topaz Desert

Quest: The Skarmory Aero Service has recently been complaining of strange attacks on their Skarmorys in the Topaz Desert area. Something seems to be attacking the flying Pokémon. One of the SAS Skarmorys hasn't returned from a mission in a while. Go to the Topaz Desert and see if you can find it!
Solution: The abandoned Skarmory is centrally located in the Topaz Desert. Rescue it and bring it back to the SAS.
Reward: SAS Pager

How to become a gem collector?

Quest: A Ruin Maniac from the Devil's Wreath has told you about his digs for treasures and valuable items. To be allowed to dig yourself, you have to convince him to be a gem collector himself. Find an impressive gem and convince him of your passion!
Solution: In the purple colored area of Devil's Wreath, an Amethyst Nugget can be found. However, you need the Smash Hammer for this.
Reward: Digging Equipment

The vine Pokémon

Quest: An old man from Jade City is looking for a Tangela to see it up close. See if you can find one and show it to him afterwards.
Solution: Tangela can be caught on Route 16 or in Pitfall Cave.
Reward: Leaf Stone

The lost archeologist

Quest: A concerned woman from Topaz Oasis tells you that her husband is an archeologist and has been missing for some time. Before he left, he told her about three stones and a triangle. He is supposed to be on his way in the Topaz Desert. Try to find the missing archeologist!
Solution: Once you have accepted the quest, a conspicuous stone formation appears in the northeast of the Topaz Desert, with a smashable stone in the center. Break the stone and free the missing archeologist.
Reward: Bright Powder, Meteor Orb, Fossil revive access

50 Pokédex Entrys

Quest: Professor Spruce's assistant has a gift for you if you catch more than 50 different Pokémon! Go to the tall grass and fill your Pokédex!
Solution: Catch 50 different Pokémon.
Reward: Amulet Coin

A husband in need!

Quest: A Slateburg City dam worker lost his wedding ring during dam repair work. It appears to have fallen into the river. Try the hopeless and try to find the ring again to save the worker from the anger of his wife.
Solution: The Wedding Ring is located on driftwood in Route 20.
Reward: Electirizer

Heart shaped scales

Quest: The eldest of the three fishing brothers, Amadeus, sets you a task like his brother before him. If you show him a Luvdisc that you have fished, he will give you a surprise to accept you as a fishing lover.
Solution: Luvdisc can be fished on Route 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19 and 20.
Reward: Super Rod

Shy sea cab

Quest: The water type fangirl from Slateburg City has a preference for - who could have guessed it - water type Pokémon. However, the girl has never seen a famous water type Pokémon. It is Lapras, but it is very shy. Show her the transport Pokémon to make the girl happy.
Solution: Lapras can be found on Route 18, 19, 20 and Titan Cave. However, the chance of encountering him in Titan Cave is much higher.
Reward: TM90 Aqua Tail

Three thugs on the wrong track

Quest: Three bird Pokémon of the Bird Keeper family from Slateburg City have not yet returned from their trip. Allegedly, the three escapees like to hang around Route 21 and its surroundings. Find them and drive them home!
Solution: Swellow is on Route 21 just before access to the house on Route 22. Staravia is hiding right at the beginning of Route 23 on the higher ground. Tauboga can be found on the small island on Route 22.
Reward: TM62 Acrobatics

A diurnal fighter

Quest: The blonde girl from the counters of the Lowclay Town Pokémon Center is raving about a Pokémon named Riolu. This shy Pokémon is said to hang around Route 24 during the day. Show her such a Pokémon to find out how far her generosity really goes!
Solution: Riolu can be found on Route 24.
Reward: Metronome

The lost seismograph

Quest: The mountain engineer of Lowclay City got scared of wild Pokémon during an outdoor mission in the Elemental Stone Cave and lost the seismograph of the workshop. Find the lost seismograph in the Elemental Stone Cave and bring it back before the engineer's colleagues get wind of the lost tool!
Solution: The seismograph is located in the Elemental Stone Cave directly on the step behind the traveling Pokémon nurse.
Reward: Choice Band

Mysterious thief

Quest: A young boy from Lowclay Town told you about a strange incident in which he was bumped into by a strange figure. Since then, there is no trace of the boy's media player. Find the thief and get the device back!
Solution: After accepting the quest, Travis hides first in the southeast of the city, then at the entrance to the repair station and finally in the northeast of the city after climbing up the rock wall.
Reward: Rock Incense

Pitfall trap!

Quest: After finding a 'valuable' treasure on Route 26, the ground collapsed beneath you and you find yourself in a strange, seemingly inhabited cave. Try to find out who is responsible for this!
Solution: Huh. I wonder who that could be?
Reward: Potion, Lucky Charm, Patches merchant

75 Pokédex Entrys

Quest: Professor Spruce's assistant has a gift for you if you catch more than 75 different Pokémon! Go to the tall grass and fill your Pokédex!
Solution: Catch 75 different Pokémon.
Reward: Scope Lens

The Evolution Pokémon

Quest: A lady at the Pokémon Mart in Iron Rock City heard about the versatile evolution Pokémon Eevee and couldn't stop raving about it. She would like to see a specimen of this rare species up close. Show her an Eevee to do her a favor!
Solution: Wild Eevee can be found on Route 23, on Jade Island or in Elemental Stone Cave.
Reward: Eternal Powder x3

Book Wurmple

Quest: A student at Pokémon University is missing her textbooks. She seems to have forgotten them in the university library. She asked you to get them because she is writing her own term paper and doesn't have time to get them herself. Do her the favor!
Solution: The books are located in the Pokémon University library. To get them you have to pass a small test.
Reward: Statue

Rare Artwork

Quest: The Iron Rock City art collector is always on the lookout for rare, beautiful and valuable artistic works. Should a rarity fall into your hands, he will surely offer you a good exchange for your souvenir.
Solution: Give the statue from the Book Wurmple quest to the artist.
Reward: VS Seeker

Lecturer without inspiration

Quest: A lecturer at Pokémon University is looking for a way to help her students find new motivation. She thought a good way would be to demonstrate a foreign technical achievement for Pokémon trainers. I wonder where you can find one?
Solution: Give the VS Seeker from the Rare Artwork quest to the lecturer.
Reward: Wise Glasses

Dragon approaching!

Quest: A boy in Upclay Town's Pokémon Mart has found a Dragon Fang. He said that if you show him a real Dragon type Pokémon, he will let you have this Dragon Fang. So grab a Dragon type Pokémon and get this item!
Solution: Show the boy any dragon type Pokémon. For example, Dratini can be found on Jade Island or Gible in the Topaz Desert.
Reward: Dragon Fang

A Pokémon team for all cases

Quest: A Cooltrainer Girl from Upclay Town wants you to present her with a very strong team consisting of six Pokémon. If she is satisfied with it, she would like to give you a small gift. I wonder what that can be?
Solution: Have a Pokémon Team consisting of six Pokémon with an average level of 60.
Reward: Muscle Band


Quest: In the shipwreck of the M.S. Sabrina you came across a Pelipper in its nest, which 'approached' you looking for help. Look around in the surroundings to find out how you can help it!
Solution: Rescue the lost Wingull from the dining room of the shipwreck.
Reward: Coral Orb

200 Pokédex Entrys

Quest: Professor Spruce's assistant has a gift for you if you catch more than 200 different Pokémon! Go to the tall grass and fill your Pokédex!
Solution: Catch 200 different Pokémon.
Reward: HP Boost, Attack Boost, Defense Boost, Sp. Attack Boost, Sp. Defense Boost, Speed Boost

Sugar Shock

Quest: A man from Silverpeak City loves candy more than anything. He is particularly fond of Rare Candies. For three of them he wants to give you a valuable treasure. Is it worth it?
Solution: Required Rare Candys can be crafted at the medicine master craftsman on Route 30.
Reward: Lucky Egg

The alpha Mamoswine!

Quest: A concerned Silverpeak City citizen has reported a Mamoswine attacking people on Route 31. It is only trying to consolidate its position in the food chain and defend its territory. However, this can be very dangerous for Pokémon trainers. Show it that you are the Alpha on Route 31!
Solution: Defeat the wild Mamoswine on route 31. It is located in the east of the top platform of the route.
Reward: Potential Capsule

Sailor's Yarn

Quest: It is said that at night and heavy fog near the lighthouse of Granitedeep City, a mysterious Pokémon appears to experienced Pokémon trainers. I wonder if there's any truth to the story.
Solution: After receiving your 8th gym badge and accepting the quest, a Dragonite appears at night at the lighthouse and must be defeated. Then you have to return to the sailor at the lighthouse during the day.
Reward: Oval Charm

Exploration into the unknown

Quest: A girl supporting the Pokémon Ranger research team has lost an important device during one of her explorations at Mt. Ashe on the newly discovered Nameless Island. Maybe you can find it and return it to her! You would be helping her a lot!
Solution: The cartographer below the tent at the summit of Mt. Ashe.
Reward: Sacred Ash