PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings

Green, Flow and Signal: Reconnecting Fragmented Communities in the Age of Digital Transformation

August 29-31, 2024 @ Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Presentation Guidelines

5 minutes for chair's introduction

30 minutes for keynote speech

The remaining time for Q&A

For 3-presentation session:

5 minutes for chair's introduction

20-25 minutes for each presentation

The remaining time for Q&A

For 4-presentation session:

5 minutes for chair's introduction

15-20 minutes for each presentation

The remaining time for Q&A

* Each room will have two pieces of paper labeled “Two Minutes Remaining” and “Time’s up.”    

   The PNC staffer will hold these reminders when a panel presentation is approaching the time limit.

* Audience members please limit your questions to 2 minutes.