PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings

Green, Flow and Signal: Reconnecting Fragmented Communities in the Age of Digital Transformation

August 29-31, 2024 @ Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Latest Information

Submission Deadline Extension: April 29 (Mon), 2024 (GMT+8)

Acceptance Announcement for Abstract & IEEE Full Paper: June 12 (Wed), 2024 (GMT+8)

Final Submission (IEEE Camera Ready): June 25, 2024 (GMT+8)

Conference Date: August 29-31, 2024 (GMT+8)

07/12 (Fri.)

PNC 2024 Conference Progrgam & Shuttle Bus Timetable are coming soon. 

07/01 (Mon.)

PNC 2024 Registration has officially started!

Please be sure to register via the link we sent you by 7/26 (Fri.) (Taipei Time).  We will close the online registration system after 7/26.

05/17 (Fri.)

All submissions are under review now. 

This year, we received submissions way more than last year! Please wait patiently for the review results, and we feel deeply grateful for your devotion and support for PNC!

04/01 (Mon.)

Paper / Poster submission deadline will be extended to 4/29 (Mon.), 2024. 

Acceptance Announcement will be moved to 6/12 (Wed.), 2024.

02/06 (Tue.)

It is our great pleasure to announce that the PNC 2024 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings will take place at Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, from August 29 (Thu)-31 (Sat), 2024

The main theme this year is--Green, Flow and Signal: Reconnecting Fragmented Communities in the Age of Digital Transformation

The program will focus on topics including (but not limited to) Spaces and Places Revisited, Techniques and Technologies of Cultural Memory, Reform of Pedagogy and the Liberal Arts, Socio-cultural Data, Innovation Reform and Renewal in Sciences, Health, AI and Connecting Communities.

The PNC 2024 is hosted jointly by Korea University, and the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC)

The PNC 2024 serves as an opportunity for researchers and developers to facilitate information exchanges among institutions of higher education in the Pacific Rim through computing and communications technology. PNC explores issues of information and technology exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the development of the cultural knowledge contents. The technical program of the PNC 2024 will include invited keynote speeches, paper presentations, ECAI workshops, and a poster session. 

*Kindly note that there will be NO hybrid sessions in this event.  

  Most sessions will be in-person in Seoul with no live-streaming.


Academy of Chinese Studies, Incheon National University


Analytical Sociology Education & Research Program to Solve Social Problems 

Education and Research Group for Global Korean Studies in the Post-Development Era

Flagship Deep Learning Program for Language Scientists 

Center of Future Innovation for New Education, Korea University