Feminist Philosophy

This report for academic year 2016-17 divides graduate programs into the two categories indicated below.

Strongly Recommended departments have indications that graduate students will be encouraged and supported to pursue work in this area, will find a supportive community of scholars and mentors, and will be able to write a state of the art dissertation in feminist philosophy.

Recommended departments have indications that graduate students will be encouraged and supported to pursue work in feminist philosophy.

For information about the basis of these recommendations, please go to our FAQ and Methodology pages. The recommendations below are in no ranked order; they are listed alphabetically.Please keep in mind that these lists have been produced by surveying experts in this sub-field of philosophy. The Pluralist Guide advises students to use these lists as a prima facie guideline for further research. Faculty retire and change departments, and the particular area that one philosopher is working within (that is, in feminist philosophy, continental philosophy, critical race philosophy and so on) may not connect with a given student’s interests. We encourage you to use these lists alongside the APA Grad Guide here as well as your own research into departments. Department chairs will often provide names of current students who can be consulted for more information, and though the students that chairs direct you toward may be a select set, putting all of these sources of information alongside each other can significantly inform your decision about where to apply.

Strongly Recommended

  • Binghamton University, SUNY

  • City University of New York Graduate Center

  • Dalhousie University

  • Emory University

  • Georgetown University

  • Marquette University

  • MIT

  • Michigan State University

  • New School

  • Pennsylvania State University

  • Stony Brook University, SUNY

  • University of Georgia

  • University of Kentucky, Lexington

  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • University of Memphis

  • University of Minnesota

  • University of Oregon, Eugene

  • University of Washington, Seattle

  • Vanderbilt University

  • York University


  • Arizona State University

  • DePaul University

  • Columbia University

  • Fordham University

  • Loyola University, Chicago

  • McGill University

  • Northwestern University

  • Purdue University

  • Queen’s University, Kingston

  • Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

  • Stanford University

  • Texas A&M

  • University of Alberta

  • University of Cincinnati

  • University of Connecticut, Storrs

  • University of Guelph

  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne

  • University of Illinois, Chicago

  • University of Montreal

  • University of Toronto

  • University of Western Ontario

  • University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • Villanova University