Perspective & Resources

Complete each activity before proceeding to the next section in the module.

Estimated completion time for this section: 65 minutes

Student Engagement: Students With Disabilities & Virtual Learning

Instructions: Using your Application Document, reflect on the information for each of the following categories ​(Individual Education Plans and Virtual Learning, Empowerment Versus Engagement in Virtual Learning, and Engaging Parents in Virtual Learning). In each category, read the interview summary, watch the video, or read the article in the learning section, complete the assignment in the application section, and review the additional resources for more information on the topic. Additional resources are provided for further research and not intended as part of the module activities.

Activity #1: Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Virtual Learning


Open the learning link to access a summary of an interview about IEP goals and virtual learning.


Open the application link and complete the questions about engaging students with disabilities in virtual learning.

Additional Resources:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional information about engaging students with disabilities in virtual learning.

Activity #2: Empowerment Versus Engagement in Virtual Learning


Open the learning link to view the podcast and read the article. Length of podcast 20 minutes 27 seconds.


Open the application link and complete the questions about engaging students with disabilities in virtual learning.

Additional Resource:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional information about engaging students with disabilities in virtual learning.

Activity #3: Engaging Parents in Virtual Learning

Learning Video

Open the learning link to view the video about family engagement in schools and how parent involvement can improve education and help provide equitable education. Length of video is 12 minutes and 6 seconds.


Open the application link and complete the questions about engaging parents to improve education and provide equitable education.

Additional Resources:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional information on parent engagement in virtual learning.

Goal Linkage:

  • To acquire knowledge that will help educators with strategies and skills to better engage students with special needs in virtual learning. (TLMS I, II. IV and VI)

  • To learn about research-based best practices to engage exceptional students that are unique to online learning. (TLMS III, VI, VII)

  • To acquire knowledge that will help educators with strategies and skills to better engage parents of students with special needs who are to effectively engage in virtual learning. (TLMS I, II. IV and VI)