Initial Thoughts

Complete the activity before proceeding to the next section in the module.

Estimated completion time for this section: 40 minutes

Student Engagement

Instructions: Using your Application Document, reflect on the information for each of the following categories ​(Emotional Engagement, Behavioral Engagement, and Cognitive Engagement). In each category, watch the video or read the article in the learning section, complete the assignment in the application section, and review the additional resources for more information on the topic. Additional resources are provided for further research and not intended as part of the module activities.

Activity #1: Emotional Engagement


Open the learning link to view the video about emotional engagement in learning. Length of video 12 minutes one second.


Open the application link and complete the questions about emotional engagement in learning.

Additional Resources:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional information on emotional engagement in learning.

Emotional Engagement

Students are emotionally engaged in the learning process, according to Fredericks, Blumenfeld & Paris ,when they hold a set of attitudes that are beneficial to their growth and feel a sense of belonging among their peers and throughout the school. Teachers are able to bolster student emotional engagement in virtual classrooms through establishing strong learning communities where every student feels valued, developing individual relationships, and perpetuating a growth mindset.

(Fredericks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004)

Activity #2: Behavioral Engagement


Open the learning link to view the the article about behavioral engagement in learning.


Open the application link and complete the questions about behavioral engagement in learning.

Additional Resources:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional information on behavioral engagement in learning.

"If students have a sense of responsibility to the class and their classmates they will become more emotionally engaged"

(Fredericks et al., 2004)

Activity #3: Cognitive Engagement


Open the learning link to view the article about cognitive engagement in learning. Length of video 3 minutes 28 seconds.


Open the application link and complete the questions about cognitive engagement in learning.

Additional Resources:

Open the additional resources link to examine additional

information on cognitive engagement in learning.

Goal Linkage

  • To acquire knowledge that will help educators with strategies and skills to better engage students with special needs in virtual learning.