Post- Assessment

Complete each activity before proceeding to the next section in the module.

Estimated completion time for this section: 30 minutes

Task #1: Post-Assessment

After completion of the module, complete the post-assessment below. Click the start button to begin.

Task #2: Reflection

Using your Application Document, compare and reflect on how your responses may have changed since the pre-assessment, prior to taking this professional learning module. What are your thoughts on how teachers can increase student engagement in both virtual and in person settings? Review your answers from each of the learning activities. Next, think about how you could apply your new learning from the activities and develop a plan for empowerment and engagement during virtual learning that you could use at your school site, with one student in particular.

Task #3: Additional Reflections

1) There are three types of student engagements in learning, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and ___________ engagement.

2) True or False: Dr. Amy Wilson stated that she saw the greatest gains in online advancement in meeting Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals was with students whose teachers adapted their IEP goals to include more skills and functional time to navigate online schooling.

3) According to John Spencer, what is NOT one of the characteristics of student empowerment in the virtual setting?

a. Student ownership in virtual learning

b. Collaborative learning

c. Self-directed learning

d. Formative assessment only

4) Choose one of the following scenarios below. Using your Application Document, apply your new knowledge of engaging students with disabilities in virtual learning and explain how you would respond if your selected scenario occurred in your classroom.

Elementary School

  • Imagine you are an ELA teacher in Second Grade. Reagan is one of your students who has not met the ELA expectations regarding her reading and writing scores. Reagan's parents would like to be involved in developing a plan to help with her academic struggles. What role would you as a teacher give to Reagan's parents? What support would you give to these parents to help improve Reagan's ELA scores?

Middle School

  • Tom is a sixth grade student. Tom's parents have been helping with chaperoning field trips, assisting in making teaching tools, and setting up book sales. They are eager to see Tom be successful in his learning at school. What additional opportunities would you as the teacher provide for Tom's parents in the area of decision-making? Are there any similar opportunities provided in your current work site? What are some additional activities would you like to see at your site to improve parent engagement?

High School

  • Imagine you are an eighth grade high school Math teacher. Johanne is a student in your class and has logged into her google classroom whenever her parents were not using the computer. Johanne and her parents share one computer for the whole family. When Johanne is in the classroom, she is disengaged in front of the computer screen. Johanne has a hard time navigating when to submit assignments and when to finish quizzes to keep up with protocols for virtual learning. Johanne's parents have not been responding to emails. What strategies in terms of giving technical supports would you employ to engage her parents to empower Johanne to be successful in virtual learning?

High School

  • Jake is a parent of a Latinx high schooler. His son has been chronically absent from school. Jake is open towards communicating with school staff about issues they are facing at home and helping to develop a plan to address his son's absences. Existing data shows that 73% of Latinx students graduate high school in comparison to 85% of their white peers in this district. As an administrator, what policies would you launch or support that would increase collaboration between the community, teachers, and parents of Latinx students for equitable education?