Engaging Students with Disabilities in Virtual Learning

A Professional Learning Module for Educators in Engagement Strategies for Students With Disabilities and Their Parents

Approximate Module Completion Time: 3 hours


The purpose of this professional development module is to improve educator knowledge and skills in engaging students and parents in the virtual learning environment for students with disabilities.

Introductory Video: Please watch this introductory video. This video will explain the rationale and purpose for the Professional Learning Module (PLM), discuss the learning content, and review important navigational information. Additionally, the video will discuss how to produce a certificate to submit to your local education agency (LEA) for CEUs upon completion of the module. Length of video 7 minutes 15 seconds.

This video highlights the challenges of virtual learning for students with disabilities and their families.

Before You Begin:

This is a linear module that requires participants to complete one page prior to moving on. To navigate through the pages, either use the navigation menu at the top of the page or the buttons at the bottom of the page. At the bottom of each page you will find a "next page" or "previous page" button. Clicking on this symbol will take you to the next page/task or allow you to revisit pages in the professional learning module.

Please review this home page before moving on to the next page in the professional learning module (PLM). Click on this link to learn more about this PLM.


  • To promote awareness of the needs of exceptional students that are unique to online and virtual learning. (National Standards for Quality Online Teaching A through G)

  • To acquire knowledge that will help educators with strategies and skills to better engage students with special needs in virtual learning. (TLMS I, II. IV and VI)

  • To acquire knowledge that will help educators with strategies and skills to better engage parents of students with special needs who are to effectively engage in virtual learning. (TLMS I, II. IV and VI)

  • To learn about research-based best practices to engage exceptional students that are unique to online learning. (TLMS III, VI, VII)


By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Use their knowledge to effectively engage students with disabilities in virtual learning.

  • Use their knowledge to effectively engage parents of students with disabilities in virtual learning.

Teacher Leader Model Standards:

Link to Teacher Leader Model Standards

Relevant Goals for the PLM Participant

Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning

Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning

Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning

Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community

National Standards for Quality Online Teaching

Link to NSQOL Standards

Relevant Goals for the PLM Participant (For the goals, click on this link.)

Organizational Framework:

The organization framework for this module is based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Parent, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Emotional Engagement.