
How to Earn an Advancement

There are three ways to advance to the next rank, which are:

Cadet of the Year

Each month, the instructors, with input from the company staff, choose one Junior cadet (NS1) and one Senior cadet (enlisted NS2 and above) as Cadets of the Month (COM).  Each of these cadets is automatically a candidate for Cadet of the Year in their respective category.   To receive this award one must:

Advancement Exam

Cadets are given an exam that contains two parts, an academic portion and a drill portion, and to advance one must pass both parts. The difficulty of the exams goes up as the cadet advances. An example is the cadets who are advancing to Petty Officer 1st Class will have a more difficult test than the cadets advancing to Seaman Apprentice.  The exams are held as decided by the NSI multiple times a year . 

The drill portion consists of a drill card that will be executed. Depending on the rank, the cadet will either be an element in a  squad or the cadet will command a drill card. 

The academic portion is a written test based on Navy knowledge learned throughout the year. 

Drill cards will be provided in class when preparing for the exam.

In order to advance the following is required  70% or higher on the written test and drill exam, cadets must have passed their most resent  cadet challenge / physical fitness test (PFT), and must have acceptable academics and citizenship grades (No failing grades).

Basic Leadership Training (BLT)

Basic leadership training is offered once a year at the start of the school year. All Junior cadets that attend will be advanced to the next rank upon completion of Basic leadership training at the company’s next advancement ceremony. If a senior cadet who has not addended basic leadership training chooses to attend upon completion; the NSI will administer an advancement exam. ( ie. a cadet seaman recruit will be advanced upon completion; A cadet petty officer second will be administered an advancement exam upon completion.)