PLEAD positive peace project targets to enforce the culture of positive peace system highlighted by IEP towards the exchange of workable and useful know how and best practices including the promotion of vision of humanity built upon the rule of law ; the empathy and the positive actions improving lives and allowing the easy implementation of the eight pillars of positive peace framework which should reverse the current trend by ranking the overall Great Lakes Region of Africa among the most peaceful regions of the world in the years to come. It is worth mentioning that the PLEAD positive peace project is still hindered to go forward by some challenges including mainly the lack of resources which will be solved certainly as the reason commands by the support of internal and external partnerships sharing the same vision of implementing the mandatory positive peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.

By Antoine Kantiza,-

IEP Peace Ambassador Programme Cohort 2022

Legal representative of PLEAD and Responsible of AKZ CONSULT, Executive Agent of PLEAD

E-mail: antoinekantiza@gmail.com

Mobile phone: 0025779994560
