Creating A Post

Post Engagement

Finding the submit page

Reddit can be accessed from various ways to create your post. Whether it be on new Reddit, old Reddit, the official apps or third party apps. We recommend using new reddit to create the post. New Reddit has a more robust and easier to use text editor that lets you put some jazz into your post.

To that, if you are already on new Reddit, great! New Reddit is a more modern take on the website. If not, adding "new" in place of "www" while on will bring you to the new site.

Title and text body

An accurate and informative title/body is important to getting the attention of your audience. Additionally, a title/body might change depending on if you are solo hosting the AMA or with a team. If you are solo dev, you can add a small section about your journey to create the game in replace of the area with job title names.

Here's our recommendations of what a title and body can look like. Included is an example from a past AMA. You can edit or change yours depending on your needs.



We are dev studio, creators of game name. Ask Us Anything!


Greetings quirky intro,

dev studio here with an AMA about game name - game description that release info.

Here today to answer some of your questions are our job title u/username and job title u/username !

game name is out now on PS4 (create hyperlink to the psn store page)! You can also find us at:

  • Socials: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Discord | Website | (create hyperlinks with your socials)

  • PS4 Launch Trailer: <link to the trailer>

  • <additional links you want to add>

We will start answering your questions in less than <time> hours.


We are Crytek, creators of Hunt: Showdown. Ask Us Anything!


Greetings PS Hunters,

Crytek here with an AMA about Hunt: Showdown - a competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting game with heavy PvE elements that just released on PlayStation 4.

Here today to answer some of your questions are our Lead Designer u/NylesBlack and Producer u/cryFatih !

Hunt: Showdown is out now on PS4! You can also find us at:

We will start answering your questions in less than 3 hours (5pm – 7pm CET).

Notifying the mods

Great! Now you have your post created and live on the subreddit. Now a mod needs to take some action on it; giving it the "verified ama" flair and pinning the post on the top of the page. You should already have our contact info from scheduling. The easiest way for us would be to go into our dev channel on our discord and ping a mod to get our immediate attention. If that doesn't work you can send us an email or modmail but they might not be as immediate. In addition to the dev channel on discord we have an announcement channel for you to ping everyone in the server about the AMA.

Sharing on socials

Woot!! The post is now live, verified and pinned! It's time to share the AMA on your various social platforms. Send out a tweet and mention @RedditPS so we can give it a retweet. Make an announcement in our discord dev-news channel. Send it out to the rest of your socials to get maximum engagement.

Ready to hop into the comments?

We have a few tips:

  • Be authentic, users don't like pr type replies.

  • Answer the silly questions!

  • Give thought out in-depth replies to the harder questions.

  • Reply to multiple comments.

  • Edit your post letting us know the AMA has ended.


  • Now that the AMA is over, feel free to reach out to us for future events.

  • Let us know how we did and how your experience was.

  • In the past, we would host a giveaway of the game for the devs after the AMA is over. If you would like to do this a few days after let us know and we can get that sorted.

Keeping in touch

We'd would love to stay connected! Work on future projects together. We have a dedicated page full of information on why you should keep in contact and how.

Please take a look at your Keeping in touch page.